Biology Basics
Lab Safety
Research Rules!
Ms. Kempfer
West Shore Woohoo

The powerhouse of the cell

What is the Mitochondria. 

This piece of safety equipment should be worn at all times to protect your eyes from harmful chemicals and flying debris

What are safety goggles?


This scientist is famous for developing the theory of relativity and the equation E=mc^2

Who is Albert Einstein?


Ms. Kempfer teaches these two courses here at West Shore

What is Biology and AP Science Research?


This West Shore attendance monitor is known for their love of all things flamingos and funny jokes

Who is Mrs. Morin?


This process is performed by plant cells to convert water, sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose

What is Photosynthesis?


Before leaving the lab, you should always do this to ensure no chemicals are left on your hands

What is washing your hands?


This initial step of the scientific method involves making an educated guess about the outcome of an experiment

What is a hypothesis?


Ms. Kempfer graduated from this university with a degree in Agricultural Education

What is the University of Florida?


This West Shore tradition is the so-called field day for battling upperclassman homerooms 

What is Wildcat Challenge?


This 2 by 2 chart is used to visualize possible outcomes in offspring genetics

What is a Punnett Square?


In case of a chemical spill on your skin, you should immediately rinse the affected area with this

What is water?


This type of graph is ideal for comparing different categories of data with bars representing the Frequency of amount for each category

What is a bar graph?


Ms. Kempfer is the coach for this fall sport

What is Volleyball?


West Shore offers 3 foreign language programs, Spanish, French and Latin. The 3 language classrooms are found in this building

What is Building 2?


This famous world traveler and theorist is known for his novel On the Origin of Species and his take on the mechanism for change in species over time.

Hint* He was a fan of little birds

Who is Charles Darwin?


This item should never be consumed in the lab, as it could be contaminated with chemicals or biological materials

What is food (or drink)?


This final step of the scientific method involves summarizing the findings and determining whether the hypothesis was correct

What is drawing a conclusion?


Ms. Kempfer‘s dog is named after this movie character’s call sign with famous lines of “let’s turn and burn”, “going ballistic man” and ”show me something Mav”

Who is Goose?


The freshman class color is yellow, eighth grade orange, and this color for sophomores 

What is Red?


This phase of mitosis is characterized by the alignment of chromosomes along the Middle line of the cell, preparing for cell division

What is Metaphase?


In the event of a small fire on the lab bench, this piece of equipment should be used to smother the flames

What is a fire extinguisher (or fire blanket)?


This polish-born physicist and chemist was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and discovered the elements polonium and radium

Who is Marie Curie?


Ms. Kempfer will be changing her last name to this change of season after her wedding next summer

What is Winter?


West Shore received this distinction and award for the 4th time being honored for its standard of excellence evidenced by student achievement

What is National Blue Ribbon?
