Child neglect is...
when a parent or caregiver does not give a child the care he or she needs according to its age, even if adult has the means to do so or is offered help to give the care.
What is Domestic Violence (DV)?
It is when grownups in a relationship try to control each other through physical harm, threats, intimidation, put downs, isolation from friends or family, not taking responsibility for their behavior, withholding the kids or money.
What is adoption?
the action or fact of legally taking in another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the fact of being adopted.
True or False?
Most domestic violence incidents are never reported.
Examples of neglect are:
lack of food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment or mental health treatment; not giving medications; neglecting child's education; exposure to dangerous environments; poor supervision; abandoning a child; putting them in the care of unknown person or someone incapable of caring for the child; etc.
Whose fault is it when domestic violence happens?
It is always the grownup who is being violent. It is never the child's fault or the grownup who is being hurt.
Difference between open and closed adoption.
Open: remain in contact with birth family
Closed: no contact with birth family
What happens to boys and girls after exposure to DV?
Without help, girls are more vulnerable to abuse as teens and adults.
Without help, boys are far more likely to become abusers of their partners and/or children as adults, continuing the cycle to the next generation.
Are children more likely to be abused, or neglected?
Child neglect is the most frequent form of child maltreatment, but frequently goes unreported. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 794,000 children were reported to have experienced maltreatment and 60% of those suffered neglect.
How might kids feel who have witnessed domestic violence?
Guilty, as if they caused it or could have stopped it.
Mad, at either parent/caregiver.
Like they can't trust any adults.
Confused because they feel anger and love and fear and respect of the same person at the same time.
Worried about when it will happen again or if parent will live.
What are reasons for adoption?
Neglect, death of caregivers, no healthy family members available to care for child, repeated maltreatment of child(ren), parent gives child up due to young age or lack of resources to care for child, etc. There are many reasons, but it is never something the child caused.
Who is at greatest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence?
Women ages 20 to 24
What are some signs of neglect in a child?
Begs or steals food or money from classmates.
Lacks clothing appropriate for weather.
Reports family violence in the home or substance use.
Lacks medical or dental care.
Who commits domestic violence?
The majority are male (95%). Reports state that 81% of men who batter women had fathers who abused their mother.
Sad, grateful, mad, depressed, lost, lonely, hopeful, confused, helpless, homesick, ashamed, etc.
Any and all feelings are normal responses. The circumstances can cause feelings to vary greatly.
Who is violent?
All kinds of people. Sometimes it is women, but usually it is men. You can't tell just by looking at someone that they are violent. Violence does not discriminate by age, race, income, religion, etc.
Who gets neglected?
Children of all ages, colors, socioeconomic statuses, boys and girls can all be neglected.
Who besides the abused person is impacted by domestic violence?
Every year more than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes.
What are some thoughts kids are adopted might think about themselves, others and the world around them?
Where do I belong or fit in?
Who am I?
I'm not good enough.
It's my fault I couldn't stay with my family.
If only I'd done ______ I could still be home.
Does my new family truly love me?
If I mess up will my new family still want me?
Kids have lots of thoughts about themselves, others and the world around them; some are helpful and some are not and cause problems.
Why don't women take their children and leave?
There are many reasons. The woman may be afraid of retaliation. She may have been isolated by her husband/partner and does not have anywhere to go or has no resources. Some women blame themselves and think if they stay they can make it better somehow. And many more reasons.