This type of writing tells a story, often by reading aloud from a text, or to describe events as they happen.
Documentaries are often narrated by well-known actors.
What is Narrate?
What is the first step of the writing process
In this class I use precise clear and concise vocabulary and descriptions that make a claim that’s logical and/or sequential answer all parts with appropriate labels.
What is Math?
This is an example of what help for students:
Teacher: “How did you estimate how many miles Lily’s mom traveled in a week?”
Student: “I rounded each number.”
Teacher: “To the nearest hundred or to the nearest ten?”
Student: “Hundred.”
Teacher: “So, to figure out how many miles, you rounded each number to the nearest hundred. Now write that down (if writing is still challenging, take dictation so that the student can see how writing and speaking are connected).”
Teacher: “Then what did you do?”
Student: “I added the rounded miles together.”
Teacher: Now write that down.
What is Chunking?
What is pre-writing?
In this step you are
Improving the content and structure
What is revising?
This type of writing involves a careful examination and evaluation of details in the text, such as in a critical essay
What is an analysis?
What is the second step of the writing process
Ability to describe experimental findings qualitatively and quantitatively.
What is science?
Where the teacher works with the rest of the class to craft an explanation (or part of an explanation) for a solution strategy. During interactive writing, the teacher can ask questions that prompt students to share ideas as the teacher models the writing process, thereby helping students think like expert writers.
What is interactive writing?
In this stage you correct grammar and spelling
What is Editing?
This type of writing that is used to try to change or influence the opinion of the reader.
What is persuasive writing?
What is the third step of the writing process
These supports can jump start the writing process for all students, can help writers organize and frame their thoughts so that their writing is clear and makes sense.
Here are some examples:
I think the answer is ____ because _______________.
First, I ______. Next, I ______. Then I _______. Finally, I _________.
I predict that_________.
If ________, then_______________.
To check my answer, I ______________.
I figured the answer out by __________________.
I agree/disagree because _________________.
____ therefore, ______________.
What are sentence frames or sentence starters?
In this stage you brainstorm ideas?
What is pre-writing?
This type of writing writing is used to show a theme, event, or story for enjoyment.
What is to entertain?
What is the fourth step of the writing process
In this stage you share your final draft with the audience?
What is publishing?
This type of writing often needs to incorporate lots of visual representations of data. Whether you are writing up your lab notebook or giving a PowerPoint presentation to your peers, you will likely to need to include specific numbers, units, tables, and figures.
What is scientific?
What is the fifth step of the writing process
To develop Communication, research, and organization skills to convey this type of information clearly and accurately.
What is Science
prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
What are the steps of the writing process?