What are the 2 programs we use to create any kind of estimate?
Xactimate and XactContents
When using the Wind QFC template, what is something that NEEDS to be filled out?
FOL, the damage, $1, ect...
In ECS where can I find the NI coverages?
Forms and endorsements
What does NI stand for?
Named Insured
When in Xactimate what is the first tab you should click?
Claim info
What is XactAnalysis uses for?
Check communication between SF and CTR that work with SF.
What is to be highlighted in the QFC?
Where do I go if I want to create a letter?
Forms and Corr
What is the acronym for CTRE stand for?
Contractor Estimate
What are all the different ways that you can search an item?
Search bar, Picture references, Cat/Selector codes
When reconciling an estimate: what should you do first?
Verify the scope, verify the price
Which two sections of the wind QFC has structured phrases? Bonus 50 if you can name what the 3 structured phrases are for each.
Prior related losses/ISO Details, and AccuWeather Report Details
Structured phrase for Prior related losses: No related prior, related prior, possible related prior
AccuWeather: Sustained wind speed less then or equal to 50mph, sustained wind speed greater then 50mph, No weather reported
How do you send an ACH assignment?
Open COL, click +ACH, choose "WCCS" option then select inspection type "building"
What does this acronym stand for CAO?
Contact Agents Office
What button do you press to adjust O&P?
Bonus 50 if you can explain when O&P should be applied.
Should be applied to complicated jobs
How do you order an Eagleview report?
Go to the claim, click the button with the house (request data) in the RT bar
What is something on the QFC that should be on it per management?
When sending something to CCT, what template needs to be filled out in it's entirety?
Template 335
Give me the acronym for: Back-up Sewer & Drain Endorsement
When totaling a roof what are some items that are not covered unless it's a covered peril?
Hint: think of the chart in OG 75-160
Step flashing/Vertical wall flashing, chimney flashing or counter flashing,
Head wall flashing, Skylight flashing, Furnace/Water heater flue caps/pipe/storm collar/flashing, Chimney caps, Powered (electrically connected) roof vents, Caps/Covers (metal or plastic) of powered (electrically connected) roof vents, Solar panels, TV and satellite dishes or antennas, Skylights, Roof-mounted HVAC equipment
If the scope and the price of the estimate you review is way off, how would you explain to the NI and would you call the CTR?
Answer varies.
When placing the QFC in ECS, what are all the steps to accurately and successfully save this?
Category should be QFC
The NI you spoke with should be marked
How do you create a payment?
Click the drop down for the COL, select create payment, verify the payees and address, click continue, place the amount, choose the payment code, choose reason code and then click bundle.
Give me the acronym for: Contractor of Choice
In XactContents how many different ways can you price verify an item?
Bonus 150 points if you can name the different ways
4 ways: Vendor Item List, Combined items, general Quote Items, External Source