Big Problems/Little Problems
Where is Mrs. Wallace's office located?
Near the front office
The adult in the building that will listen to your problems is called the _________ _____________.
School Counselor
Is it okay to get angry?
Yes! While anger is not always a comfortable emotion that we like to feel, it is an emotion that everyone feels! It's how we handle it that makes the difference!
Can you see the school counselor if you have trouble in school?
Yes! The school counselor is here to help you with problems at school or at home.
Death in the family
BIG problem-see Mrs. Wallace
If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?
Ask your teacher or fill out a self-referral. Self-referrals are outside of Mrs. Wallace's door on blue paper.
Is Mrs. Wallace allowed to tell your teachers and friends what you talk about in her office?
No! Even if you tell Mrs. Wallace that you are in danger, she will NOT tell your teachers and friends. She may call your parents or get help from our Social Worker, Mrs. Allen.
What can you do if you are feeling sad?
You can talk to a friend, write about it, go for a walk, cry, talk to your school counselor.
How can we be good listeners in school?
-Quiet mouths while the teacher is talking. -Eyes on the speakers. -Ears listening.
Someone called you a name
LITTLE Problem-how can you solve this on your own?
What is confidentiality?
Confidentiality means that whatever is discussed in Mrs. Wallace's office is kept secret unless you tell her someone is in danger.
Name a thing you may want to talk to the counselor about.
-Death in the family (this includes pets) -Bullying (what is a bully?) -Emotions that you may be having -Friendship issues -Something good that happened!
What sort of things does your counselor keep in her office?
-Tissues -Games -Play-Doh -Books
Name some ways to study for a test.
-Go to a quiet area in your house. -Use a highlighter to highlight important notes. -Have an adult quiz you.
Someone is talking inappropriately.
LITTLE Problem-how can you handle this on your own? AND BIG Problem-When should you go to Mrs. Wallace?
When the counselor gets a few students together to talk about a topic, it is called _______ counseling.
Group--Mrs. Wallace will be doing Lunch Bunch this year once a month for each grade level.
If you are dealing with a bully, should you tell a grown up or keep it a secret?
You should always tell an adult if you think you are being bullied. A bully is someone who hurts you physically or emotionally, they hurt you on purpose, they do it over and over again, and it's the same person or group of people.
Name ways to be a good friend.
-Listen to one another -Be kind to each other -Play together
Why is it important to try your best?
You always should put forth your best effort in everything you do.
My friend was mean to me.
LITTLE Problem-how can you solve this on your own?
When the counselor meets with one student to talk about a topic, it is called ____________ counseling.
Individual--Mrs. Wallace may call you to her office because you have turned in a self-referral or because your teacher or parent asked her to talk to you.
If a friend tells you a secret that he/she is being hurt or abused, should you keep that a secret?
No, if a friend tells you they are being hurt or abused, you should always go to a trusted adult.
If someone touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, should you tell a trusted adult or keep it a secret?
You should always tell a trusted adult (parent, teacher, school counselor).
Why is it important to be organized?
So you will be able to find what you are looking for when you need it. Being unorganized stresses you out!
Someone is hurting me.
BIG Problem-Go to Mrs. Wallace!