La Cabeza
What is the head?
What is sentitive?
El mūsculo
What is the muscle?
El dolor
What is pain?
La alergia
What is allergy?
El pie
What is the foot?
What is irritated?
El estōmago
What is the stomach?
El calambre
What is cramp?
El resfrío
What is cold?
El hombre
What is the shoulder?
What is urgent?
El corazón
What is the heart?
El convulsiones
What is seizure?
Los diabetes
What is diabetes?
La espalda
What is the back?
What is swollen?
El hueso
What is the bone?
El moroe
What is dizziness?
La fractura
What is a fracture?
La pierna
What is the leg?
What is in pain or sore?
La sangre
What is the blood?
Dufficultad Para respirar
What is Shortness of breath/difficult to breath?
La herida
What is injury?