The power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that.
This book of the Bible contains two different stories of creation.
Jean Vanier describes this as "the to-and-fro of love."
This saint overcame his fear to embrace a leper.
St. Francis of Assisi
This is the official compendium of Catholic teaching.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Humans are blessed with this, described as a voice that tells us to do good and avoid evil.
God created humans as this, according to Genesis 1:27.
Male and female
Mother Teresa taught that Christ tests our love by hiding in these.
Grotesque disguises
Rev. Dale Lang offered this in response to his son's murder.
These are official pastoral letters written by the Pope for the entire people of God.
The Catechism states that humans are called to this, along with happiness.
The writer of the first creation account in Genesis is called this because of the name used for God.
The Yahwist
This 1929 case was a landmark victory for Canadian women's equality.
The Persons Case
The text states that this does not undo the goodness of creation.
Faults, disorder, pain and sin
The text states that our dignity as human persons is rooted in our creation in this.
The image and likeness of God
This science studies the origin, development and customs of human beings.
According to Genesis 1, God saw everything he had made and declared it __.
Good (or Very Good)
One of the most brutal punishments in prisons.
Solitary confinement
Mother Teresa's order seeks to recognize Christ in these people __ ____ __ __ ____.
The poorest of the poor
Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem describes the world as charged with this.
The grandeur of God
According to the text, humans are a mixture of this earthly element and divine breath.
This Psalm asks "What are human beings that you are mindful of them?"
Psalm 8
Our relationships and communities are constantly threatened by this.
What people do to one another
According to the text, this is the result of being "connected" with God.
The text states that the human vocation is to show forth this.
The image of God