What are two ways that humans communicate?
Body Language and Words
Maintain eye contact with a peer for 10 seconds.
Great job! Did that feel awkward?
Name 5 coping skills.
How are these helpful.
Give an example of aggressive behavior.
Yes! You can be aggressive towards people or objects.
Great job!
Give out 3 compliments.
:) How did that make you feel?
Why do people use coping skills?
Nice! Yes, to manage all of our emotions or situations we encounter in life.
What makes this healthy?
Finish this sentence. I feel ___ when you ___ because ____.
Great line!
Your eating lunch with friends at school. Your friend asks you to trade your chips for their apple sauce. How do you respond?
True or false?
There is no need to use coping skills when you are happy.
False! You can use a coping skill any time.
How would you express or manage happiness?
How many hours of sleep should you get per night?
Scenario. Your parents tell you that you cannot ride your bike to your friends house right now. You really want to go there to play video games. You start getting angry and yelling. What do you do next?
Use a coping skill :)
Demonstrate how to strike up a conversation with a new classmate?
Super! How did that feel?
Demonstrate a deep breathing technique.
Nice job! There are many breathing techniques to try out. Give it a try, you may find one that works for you!
Demonstrate how to deal with a bully.
Nice work! Walking away and telling a trusted adult is a good solution.
Passive, passive aggressive, aggressive, assertive
Get to know the person to your RIGHT. Ask questions until you find something that you have in common.
Nice work!
Teach the group one of your favorite coping skills to use.
Super job! You're a great teacher!
What are protective factors?
What are one of your protective factors?