Contact Information
Claim Information
Express Claims
Call Management

TRUE or FALSE When insured provides a change of address, FNOL should delete/change the primary address? 

FALSE - FNOL should select "ADD" and enter the new address and advise the insured to reach out to their agent for a permanent change. 

See: Change of Address - Insured Job Aid


TRUE or FALSE: FNOL can still set up an MDA if Insured is unsure of daytime location?

False - We must have a physical address to set MDA. 


TRUE or FALSE: FNOL can handle a claim as Express if the time of loss is between 12:00 am and 5:00 am? 



PMOI recommends Photo, DRP and MDA as repair options on a drivable vehicle, Insured declines Photo & DRP. Can FNOL set up MDA?

No, If Insured's vehicle is drivable and they have declined DRP and/or Photo Appraisal. Do Not Set up MDA even if it's recommended in PMOI. 

(Bonus points: what should FNOL do?)


TRUE or FALSE: Claimant Carrier calls and enters PN in GATEWAY, FNOL does not need any other information to verify the policy?

FALSE - you need 2 pieces of information to verify a policy.


TRUE or FALSE - when speaking with an Attorney FNOL does not need to ask for insured's contact information.

False - FNOL should ask for and enter if available all contact information for ALL parties.

(See Contact Information Job Aid in FNOL Quality Definitions Doc OneNote)


TRUE or FALSE: FNOL can go back to Step 1 to change the date of loss in a claim ?

FALSE: (see Verify Information Job Aid)

  • Never return to Step 1 in ECC during the filing process. Returning to Step 1 after you have moved on could cause errors in ECC and prevent the setup of services. Once you have moved on to Step 2, any information that needs corrected or updated on Step 1 must be      noted on the last step of the claim.



TRUE or FALSE: FNOL can handle an Express claim on a rental vehicle as long as the insured is calling in the claim?

False: Vehicle must be listed on the policy


TRUE or FALSE: FNOL should advise ALL Claimants that they will receive a claim confirmation email?

FALSE - only insured on a personal auto policy will receive a claim confirmation email 


TRUE or FALSE - FNOL does not have to announce recorded calls on outbound conference calls to Language Line. 

False - 

We must immediately advise the interpreter that the call is being recorded and instruct them to advise the caller as well. 


TRUE or FALSE: On Step 2 When speaking with Claimant Carrier FNOL does not need to ask for Insured's phone number 

FALSE - FNOL should ask for and enter if available all contact information for ALL parties. 

(See Contact Information Job Aid in FNOL Quality Definitions Doc OneNote)

When is it okay for FNOL to click into a draft claim and file a claim?

If Modified Time is 30 minutes or longer.


TRUE or FALSE: FNOL Sets up DRP for insured on an Express claim the Adjusters contact expectation is 24 business hours. 

False - FNOL should advise the insured to contact the DRP directly. 


When entering the loss location, what does FNOL need to add to be sure that claim in routed to correct branch location?

Zip Code


TRUE or FALSE: FNOL can verify that a policy has been cancelled if speaking with insured?

FALSE - FNOL cannot advise anyone including insured that a policy has been cancelled 


What information should we ask for/obtain when speaking with Claimant Adjuster?

Third Party; Insurer; Adjuster Contact Info, Policy and/or Claim Number.

What should you do if you get an Activity?

Reach out to Seniors with the claim number.

(See Activity Process Job Aid)


What note should be added on Step 5 when handling an Express claim? 

FNOL verified coverage


Insured states that they may seek treatment for an injury obtained in the loss.  Should FNOL enter the injury while speaking with insured?

YES!  In injury screen you may add "May seek treatment".


Agent calls FNOL regarding roadside assistance reimbursement. What do you advise?

Agent should reach out to Johnstown Processing Center for Roadside Reimbursement.

(See "Towing Reimbursement" Job Aid) 


TRUE or FALSE: FNOL does not need to verify prepopulated phone number or email for Insured?

FALSE - FNOL must verify ALL prepopulated contact information. 


Insured is calling and you cannot locate a policy, what info should you give to Seniors when asking for help to locate the policy?

Insured's Name

Address (including Zip Code)

Date of Loss

Policy Number (if any given)


Insured strikes a pothole, no injuries, no rideshare, no property damage, and no other parties involved. Can you Handle as Express



Insured states that the headlights are NOT working, is this vehicle drivable or non-drivable


(ask clarifying questions if you are unsure)


TRUE or FALSE: Insured states they were driving a Van, FNOL should leave Vehicle Type as Passenger car/SUV.

FALSE: Vehicle Type should match the actual vehicle type. 
