This is when you reveal a secret or information that was not known or was hidden
cat out of the bag
go to sleep
hit the hay
what you says when someone is left out
do you want to join us?
When you're too slow and miss an opportunity
miss the boat
Not feeling well
under the weather
someone tells you the answer and it makes you mad so you say:
please don't tell me the answer
Someone else's decision or turn to do something
ball is in your court
stop talking
button your lip
I'm on zoom and I want to go get a snack or use the bathroom, I can ask:
when it's time to leave
hit the road
to be in agreement with each other
see eye to eye
I see someone crying, I can ask them:
Are you okay?
piece of cake
costs a lot of money
and arm and a leg
You're talking to someone but they are not looking at you and they aren't paying attention. They might be: