Types of Nouns
Noun Forms
Nouns in a Sentence
Lightening Round!!!

I'm a general type of person, place, thing, or idea. 

What is a Common Noun?


A collective noun is something that 

What is names a group of people or things?


The word reports is an example of what noun form

What is a plural noun?


Which noun is correct and what kind of noun is being used in the sentence below?

Karl got an A in (English/english). 

What is is English and proper noun?


Find 3 plural nouns in the sentence below.  

The girls are going to get a bunch of bags of chips to share with each other. 

What is girls, bags, and chips?


True or False? A possessive noun only shows ownership if it is a proper noun. 

What is False? 

(A possessive noun always shows ownership or relationship.) 


The word communication is an example of 

What is an abstract noun ?


The word deer is an example of what noun form

What is both singular and plural ? 

(The following words are the same both singular and plural: deer, sheep ,moose, bison, fish, etc.)


What kind of noun is being used in the sentence below and does it need to be corrected? If it needs to be corrected explain why. 

I met hector's uncle who lives in the northeast. 

What is possessive and it should be capital H in Hector because it also a proper noun?


Find the proper nouns in the sentence below.

Ms. Renae went to sub in Coach Vent's Health class today because Mr.Bidewell said the sub didn't show up today. 

What is Mrs. Renae, Coach Vent, Health, and Mr.Bidewell? 


If there's 2 or more of the person, place, thing, or idea I am. 

What is a Plural Noun?


In the sentence: Today I am going to get a physical by  Dr. Kahza when I go into the clinic.  This is an example of 

What is a proper noun?


In this sentence identify the correct noun form. 

He can't find the teacher's classroom.

What is a possessive noun? 

(The noun is showing ownership/a relationship that the teacher has to the classroom)


Which noun is correct and what kind of noun is being used in the sentence below?

What (time / times) did I need to be at work today? 

What is time and it's a common noun?


Identify the possessive noun(s) only in this paragraph below:

    School is not that bad so far. It is only the second week of school and I already made a new friend. We have Mrs.Samons' class together for Science it is so much fun. We got to pick our own science partners for our project we start next week.  Hopefully next semester we have more classes together.  

What is Mrs. Samons' class is the possessive noun? 


A compound noun is . . . 

What is a noun that is more than one word. 


True or False There only 9 types of nouns.

What is true.

(Noun Types are: common, proper, collective, compound, concrete, abstract, singular, plural, and possessive)


The following sentence demonstrates which 2 noun forms? 

The children's outing was fun today. 

What is plural and possessive ?

(Plural because children is he plural word for child and possessive because the children have a relationship when it comes to the outing. It is their outing.)


Which noun is correct and what kind of noun is being used in the sentence below?

A few of Alex's (friends / friend's) stopped by the house today. 

What is friends and it is a plural noun?


Identify the collective nouns in the paragraph below. 

A group of men has come to clear the jungle. The animals are forced to move out of their natural homes. A troop of monkeys swings quickly from tree to tree. A pack of lions roars loudly and walks hurriedly away. A herd of deer moves swiftly. A flock of birds and a swarm of bees flies hastily away to look for new place to live.  

What is group, troop, herd, flock, and swarm? 


The difference between a concrete and abstract noun is 

What is a concrete noun is something you can touch or see and an abstract word you cannot see or touch. 


The  kind of noun in the bolded word in the sentence is . . . 

Denali National Park is in Alaska.

What is a compound noun? 


The noun form need in the sentence below is. 

My (sisters / sister's) boyfriend is coming for dinner. 

Which noun form is it? 

What is sister's and it is possessive?


Which noun is correct and what kind of noun is being used in the sentence below?

I saw all of the (fish / fishes) swimming around at the aquarium. 

What is fish and it's a plural noun? 


There are ____ nouns in the paragraph. (How many nouns can you identify?)

I think that you all are ready for the test. Don't forget to study your notes and look over the practice worksheets that were completed and handed back to you. After the nouns test we will move on to the next chapter. 

What is 8 nouns? 

(I, you, test, notes, worksheets, you, test, chapter)
