Prior to European settlement and the creation of the country of Canada, who lived on this land.
Indigenous People
A treaty is a contract made by how many groups groups?
Britain, at the time, was a colonial superpower and had a history of what?
conquering lands and taking what they wanted from those native to these regions.
Indigenous communities were opposed to their land being given away, stripped of minerals or used as transportation routes. What did they do?
they fought back the encroachment of the settlers.
There were many problems with the treaties made between Indigenous communities and Canada. Are these problems still a problem today?
These are problems that are still issues today.
What did the Indigenous people call this land?
The Indigenous called this land Turtle Island
Why are Treaties used?
To establish peace and settle disputes
The British generally expected everyone to want to assume what?
the British way of life.
Indigenous peoples in this region had long worked alongside who?
fur traders.
Canada attempted to establish contracts that were very much common practice within Europe. Were the deals familiar to the Indigenous signatories.
However, these types of deals were NOT familiar to the Indigenous signatories of many of the Canadian land treaties.
In the 1700s, what country controlled much of what was Canada, mainly Quebec and eastern provinces.
Within Canadian treaties, land was ceded from Indigenous communities to what government?
government of Canada.
As a newly established British colony, Canada needed What?
more settlers.
What saw the buffalo in the western plains dwindle?
Overhunting due to the fur trade
In many of the treaties, there was a general misunderstanding of the term to cede land. To cede land was to surrender what?
all rights to the land.
What two countries were in many wars and conflicts in Europe that impacted fighting in North America.
Britain and France
To cede land means to give up all what to that land forever to the crown (Canada’s head of government).
It was important to convince Indigenous communities that it was in their best interest to what.
give up their land
Many communities were beginning to what as they transitioned to a more agricultural life.
many communities were starving.
The government looked at treaties as a way to legally get control and ownership over Indigenous ancestral lands. There also were many instances that the government took advantage of the situation and created treaties that were what?
the benefits to the government significantly outweighed the gains of the Indigenous people in Canada.
At the end of the War of Spanish Succession in Europe, a treaty between Britain and France was signed. What was this Treaty called?
Treaty of Ulricht.
extra points
the government of Canada was aware of what that made up much of Canada.
resource rich land
Establishing treaties was a solution that was supposed to guarantee Indigenous communities protection and help to transition to a more agricultural way of life while still maintaining their what?
traditions and land rights.
Finally, although many promises were made within the treaty, fulfilling these promises did not always happen. What were these promises called?
Broken Promises