General assembly aka ...
is the highest decision-making body of AEGEE. It is held twice a year (in Spring and in Autumn). It has legislative power (creating and enforcing rules), representative power (electing and representing the Network) and controlling power (checking Activity Reports).
When and where was AEGEE founded?
Paris 1985
Name all focus areas:
bridges of dialogue; eco-responsible society; digital culture
How old is AEGEE-Tartu?
KMS aka ...
Knowledge Management System
It contains information about:
Statutory Events (EPM, Agora and SPM);
the structure of AEGEE with info about European Bodies and Locals;
organisational support (e.g. HR, fundraising, IT, PR and more);
tips on how to run a Local; and
the progress and process of current and old projects.
.... gathers experienced AEGEE members in order to draft the Action Agenda for the upcoming year.
European Planning Meeting (EPM)
Name 5 projects A-Europe has had:
Summer University; Yvote; Where does Europe end?; Europe on track; Eastern Partnership; AEGEE Day; AEGEE election observation.
.... work on achieving AEGEE’s goals as written in our Strategic Plan.
Working Groups (WGs)
Who can be our member?
4.1. AEGEE-Tartu liikmeks (edaspidi Liige) loetakse kõrg- või kutsekoolis õppivaid või õppinud 18- kuni 35-aastaseid (k.a) isikuid, kes on tasunud liikmemaksu.T
(doesn't really have to be studying tho)
... is a collection of all the rules, which govern AEGEE-Europe. Every new version is published by the Juridical Commission after each Agora, whenever changes have been adopted.
The Corpus Iuridicum Aegeense (in short CIA)
... event that takes place every three years where the Comité Directeur and Strategy Committee facilitate the drafting of the Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM)
Who are the members of the next Comité Directeur?
Leon, Eliise, Eren, Daria and Nikoloz
What is the vision of AEGEE
AEGEE strives for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically and politically integrated, and values the participation of young people in its construction and development.
How many members can be in the board of A-Tartu and what roles are compulsory?
President, Secretary, and Treasurer are compulsory out of the 8 board positions.
Key to Europe is...
the yearbook or annual review of AEGEE that provides you with a unique and coherent overview on AEGEE’s history.
.... is a group of AEGEE members, who share a common interest. They create discussions inside AEGEE and may initiate, carry out and support events, projects, positions or other activities.
Interest Group:
Politics Interest Group (POLIG)
Social Equity Interest Group (SEIG)
What is the most recent European event we have done?
SU 2023
What is the mission of AEGEE?
AEGEE empowers students and young people in Europe to take an active role in society. It creates a space for dialogue and learning opportunities as well as acts as their representative towards decision-makers. Moreover, AEGEE strengthens mutual understanding and brings Europe closer to young people.
We are part of which Network Area?
Leon's Network area:
Soon our new Netcommie will be Amro
AEGEE is ...
one of Europe’s biggest interdisciplinary student organisations. As a non-governmental, politically independent, and non-profit organisation AEGEE is open to students and young people from all faculties and disciplines.
... support the work of the Comité Directeur and help Locals and European Bodies by providing them with services, information, knowledge, materials and infrastructure needed to fulfil their work.
AEGEE-Academy or the Training Committee
Communications Committee
Events Quality Assurance Committee (EQAC)
Fundraising Committee
Human Resources Committee
Information Technology Committee
Safe Person Committee
Strategy Committee
Sustainability Committee
What are the tools AEGEE uses in its work to achieve its mission?
Intercultural Exchange;
Personal Development and Non-Formal Education;
Thematic Projects;
Policy and Advocacy;
Forum for Discussion.
..... are organisational bodies of AEGEE-Europe elected by the General Assembly (Agora). They can be seen as the supervisors of AEGEE and ensure our compliance with the rules that govern the functioning of AEGEE.
Audit Commission
Data Privacy Commission
Juridical Commission
Mediation Commission
Network Commission
Name all Antenna criteria:
(a) The Local is obliged to respond to any written notice from the Network Commission and the Comité Directeur delivered via e-mail within one month;
(b) Organise board elections at least once a year. After every board election, the names of all board members elected which include at least the President, Secretary and Treasurer, need to be communicated to the Network Commission and need to be updated on the online membership system with the current official communication address of the local within one month;
(c) Have paid membership fees according to the regulations set in the Financial Rules;
(d) Have sent at least one delegate to one out of the last two Agorae, excluding Extraordinary Agorae.
Sending a delegate to an ordinary Agora means that the Local is represented by its delegates in at least 80% of plenary time and as many prytania per slot (according to the agenda) as it has delegates during an Agora;
(e) Have submitted a list of current members before every Agora having at least 10 members who are not a member of another Contact Antenna or Antenna;
(f) Have organised a European event or Summer University at least once every two years.
(g) Have cooperated with the Network Commission on establishing a Development Plan, approved by the appointed Comité Directeur member and submitted it one month after the start of the board’s mandate at the latest, at least once per year.
(h) Have cooperated with the Network Commission on establishing a Fulfilment Report approved by the appointed Comité Directeur member and submit it no later than one month after the end of the Development Plan period.
AEGEE aka ...
Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l'Europe