The relationship between the availability of a good or service and the desire of consumers to purchase it
what is supply and demand?
Individuals and businesses have the right to own and control resources like land, capital, and goods
what is private property?
The process of creating a plan for economic activity, such as what goods to produce and how to allocate resources
what is central planning ?
the act of buying/selling stock and existing from the position the very same day.
what is day trading?
A business owned and operated by one person
what is sole proprietorship ?
what is factors of production?
what is voluntary exchange?
Restrictions imposed by governments to ensure that goods and services remain affordable
what is price control?
When a trader offers their shares for sale at a certain price.
what is ask ?
The net value of a company if all assets were liquidated and debts paid
what is equity?
When demand for a good or service is greater than the supply
what is scarcity ?
what is free trade ?
The government seeks to promote social equality and maintain full employment through economic activities
what is social welfare?
inform shareholders about the company's operations
what is annual report?
The income generated from a business's operations
what is revenue ?
refers to assets that are themselves used in the production of goods or for providing services
what is capital?
Multiple sellers compete to attract customers by offering the best prices and quality, which regulates the market
what is competition ?
dictated by the government, which determines where and how resources are best utilized
what is resource allocation?
means the investor buys more stock when the price of a particular stock goes down
what is averaging down?
is a measure of the amount of cash generated (or lost) through a businesses's operations.
what is cash flow ?
The total value of goods and services produced in a country in one year
what is gross domestic product?
when businesses are primarily driven by the desire to generate profit
what is profit motive?
The government decides what goods and services will be produced and distributed, which may not reflect consumer preferences or needs.
what is limited consumers choice ?
The measure of how easy it is to buy and sell a stock.
what is liquidity ?
a group that operates to benefit the public, rather than to make a profit.