An application that is used for financial assistance in college
What is FAFSA?
Offered publicly or privately but must be paid back
What is Loan?
The system used to calculate need based on a formula (cost of attendance - EFC=)
What is Financial Need?
Deadline for priority filing
What is Dream Act?
What is IRS?
Free money that is usually offered by the university and DOES NOT need to be paid back
What is Grants?
EFC is an abbreviation for
What is Expected Family Contribution?
Must include _____ annual income if classified as a dependent student
What is Parent or Guardian?
Students attending college need to file this form or no money will be awarded
What is FAFSA application?
Option available to students for free money usually on campus
What is Work Study?
Other free money can be acquired through merit-based options, online sources, sports, etc. that is free
What is Scholarships?
Two types of ways a student can be classified usually as a status
What is Independent and Dependent status?
Must have a valid electronic ____ address to have communicate with correspondent and schools
What is Email?
What is Career Center?