I am your father.
What is Star Wars
Denne serie følger fire nørdede venner og deres liv i Pasadena. De elsker tegneserier, videnskab og siger ofte "Bazinga
The Big Bang Theory
Finding Nemo
I am green, but not a plant. I am strong, but not a superhero. I get angry, but I am not evil. Who am I
Who is Hulk
Run forrest run
Forest gump
Why so serious
What is the Joker
En kemilærer bliver en narkobaron for at sikre sin families fremtid, mens han kæmper mod både loven og farlige karteller
Breaking Bad
Happy Feet
My mission is impossible, yet I always complete it. I work in secrecy and often wear masks. Who am I
Who is Ethan Hunt
I feel the need—the need for speed
Who is Maverick – Top Gun
I can do this all day
Steve Rogers/Captain America
En gruppe børn fra Hawkins, Indiana, opdager en mystisk pige med særlige kræfter og en mørk parallel verden
Stranger Things
Toy Story 3
I have a friend who is a big black bear, a snake that tries to hypnotize me, and a panther who looks after me. Who am I
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
Galadriel from LOTR
He's much more impressive than the hedgehog I fought previously
En advokat med en fortid som fidusmager forsøger at slå igennem i den juridiske verden, men hans gamle vaner er svære at slippe
Better Call Saul
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
I come from Westeros, but I seek the Iron Throne. My family is known for the words: "Winter is Coming." Who am I
Jon Snow
Who is Thanos
The greatest teacher, failure is
En gruppe overlevende forsøger at klare sig i en verden hærget af zombier, mens de kæmper mod både de døde og de levende
The Walking Dead
Big Hero 6
I wake up in a mysterious town where leaving seems impossible. Strange things happen, and the people here are not what they seem. Which series am I from
Wayward Pines or From
If I can't rule the world, I might as well save it
Who is Ivo Robotnik from Sonic 3