Levels/Types of Care

This includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

It affects how we think, feel, and act. 

What is Mental Health?


This is characterized by feeling sad, slowed down, or low on energy.

A mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling if sadness and loss of interest. 

What is Depression?


This is a psychotherapy service offered when the client is not admitted to a hospital, residential program, or other inpatient settings. This is a resource for individuals seeking support for mental health concerns who do not require round-the-clock support or safety monitoring.

This is when a trained professional helps a single person work through personal issues they have been facing. 

What is Outpatient Therapy?


About 11% of young adults (ages 18-25) report that they’ve had serious thoughts of this, and about 1–2% report an attempt of this during the prior year. These numbers are higher among high school students — nearly 20% report serious thoughts about this and 9% report an attempt of this.

This can be active or passive, but the thoughts remain as harmful to self.

What is Suicide?


People are able to call this 3-digit number, 24 hours hours per day, for free and confidential support for those in distress. Now called the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 

What is the 988?


Things you do to maintain good health and improve your well-being.

An individual engage in this daily with food choices, exercise, sleep, and medical care.

What is Self-Care?


When you respond to certain objects or situations with fear and dread.

The physical and/or mental reactions to perceived threats.

What is Anxiety?


This is the most intensive level of treatment for individuals suffering from mental health and addictive disorders. It offers 24-hour care in a safe and secure facility, making it best for patients with severe mental health or substance abuse issues who require constant monitoring.

You can be sent here voluntary or involuntary if you present with acute symptoms that may cause harm to self or others. 

What is Inpatient Treatment?


This is repeated verbal, social, or physical aggression that involves some form of power imbalance, and this often happens in school.

You HEAR about this action mostly in teens, but anyone can be subjected to this. 

What is Bullying?


Talking to my friend or family member or counselor or in a group setting are some examples of this.

You my confide in a best friend, parent or other in efforts for them to give you this. 

What is Support?


Pulling away from people and usual activities or having low or no energy or feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared.

These tells you the difference between what is expected behaviors and what might be signs of a mental illness. 

What are Warning Signs?


This can occur after living through or seeing a traumatic event, such as war, a hurricane, rape, physical abuse or a bad accident. This makes you feel stressed and afraid after the danger is over.

Previously known as shell shock, after WWI or combat fatigue after WWII, but it does not just happen to combat veterans or those in war. It can occur in all people with other traumatic experiences. 

What is PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?


Living on a campus in a supportive environment while receiving intensive treatment for an average of 30 to 90 days. Patients in this level of care are medically stable and focus on building the skills needed for long-term recovery.

This place provides intensive therapy that is free from the distractions of home life.

What is Residential Treatment?


This is used to connect with others, especially friends and classmates. This/Digital platforms can also make things more difficult for you emotionally. It’s important to recognize when patterns of this use are unhelpful and understand the potential consequences.

These platforms can produce undesirable outcomes that increase incidence of anxiety, stress, depression, body image concerns, and loneliness in teens and young adults. 

What is Social Media?


This organization administers 988 and provides support to over 200 crisis centers worldwide. You all work with this organization. 

What are Vibrant Emotional Health? 


Mental health problems and substance abuse disorders sometimes occur together.

When someone is diagnosed with depression and has an alcohol addiction.

What are Co-Occurring Disorders?


This is characterized by a feeling of high energy, pressure, anxiety, and intensity. Someone who is experiencing this may seem “amped up” and become more likely to engage in risky behaviors.

Extremely elevated and excitable mood usually associated with bipolar disorder.

What is Mania?


This level of care is sometimes referred to as “day treatment.” Patients will often step down from inpatient or residential to this level of care. 

This program provides a structured program of outpatient psy services as an alternative to inpatient when criteria is met, and is more intense than individual OP therapy. 

What is PHP or Partial Hospitalization Program?


This involve a pattern of disruptive behaviors in children that last for at least 6 months and cause problems in school, at home and in social situations.

Examples of this is ADHD, OCD, Conduct Disorder...

What are Behavioral Disorders?


These people can diagnose mental health conditions and provide treatment. Most have at least a master's degree or more advanced education, training, and credentials.

There are different types of these, such as behavioral specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and psychiatric nurses. 

Who are Mental Health Professionals?
