Drivers License
Social / Leisure

stop sign ahead


How many hours of sleep should an adult receive?

“Eight hours of sleep is a good baseline for most adults. Since sleep is a time for the body to recover and grow, children and adolescents need more sleep. The average teen needs nine or more hours of sleep each night.”


What is minimum wage in San Francisco?

$16.32 (as of July 2021)


How many grade levels are there in American schools (excluding Kindergarten)

a) 13

b) 12

c) 10

d) 8

b) 12


Which of these choices do you think are leisure activities?









parked >18 inches (1.5 feet) from the curb


Name an activity that you do in everyday life that is necessary to live. 



If you start work at 8:00 AM, what time should you arrive at work? 



How long does it typically take to earn an Associate’s Degree?

2 years or at your own pace


Name 4 qualities you would want in a friend.



The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cell phones and driving is:

A. Use hands free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel

B. Keep your phone within easy reach so you won't need to take your eyes off the road

C. Review the number before answering a call

A. Use hands free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel


Organize these steps in order:

How to treat a wound:

a) Clean the wound with rubbing alcohol.

b) Wash hands

c) Clean the wound with water and a mild soap.

d) Cover the wound with a bandage

e) Put antibiotic ointment or spray (neosporin)

b- wash hands

c- clean the wound with water and mild soap

a- clean the wound with rubbing alcohol

e- put antibiotic ointment or spray

d- cover the wound with a bandage 


What is the difference between “hourly” and “salary”?

Wage is paid by the hour vs. by the year. 

For salaried workers you aren't typically paid based on the number of hours you work, you just get a regular paycheck based on your yearly salary.


Organize the types of degrees in order of completing them:

a) Master’s

b) Associate’s

c) Bachelor’s

d) Doctorate (PhD)

b) Associate’s

c) Bachelor’s

a) Master’s

d) Doctorate (PhD)


Define “leisure”. 

Use of free time for enjoyment.


All of the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal?

A. Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears

B. Adjusting your outside mirrors

C. Transporting an unrestrained animal inside the vehicle

A. Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears


Why is self care important?

- to be ready for the day as part of a routine

- to feel good about myself

- to be healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally)


Define an ‘internship’.

Period of time to gain work experience with an organization.


Name 4 skills that you use in the classroom.



If you went on a first date, what are 3 questions you would ask to get to know someone?



This pavement symbol marks:

A. lanes shared by bikes and motorists

B. lanes reserved by left turns

C. lanes reserved for bicyclists

A. lanes shared by bikes and motorists called "sharrows"


Name 5 activities that are considered “self-care”. 



What does the term “entry-level” mean? 

Type of work that is suitable for someone with limited or no experience.

To transfer to a Cal State University from a CA community college, how many semester units do you need?

a) 90

b) 60

c) 50

d) 40

b) 60


A role is a set of behaviors that is expected. For example, the role of a student is to learn, participate and contribute in class, and complete assignments. 

Choose a role: sibling, friend, teacher, romantic partner, cashier, parent

Then explain the set of behaviors expected from that role

