Pennyover v. Neff
International Shoe Co. v. Washington
Specific Jurisdiction
General Jurisdiction

Personal Jurisdiction requires that a defendant have _____ to the forum state's jurisdiction and be served ______.

What is Amenability and Proper Notice?


Pennoyer based its jurisdictional formula on ____ over persons and property within its borders.

What is state's power?


International Shoe Co. v. Washington altered Pennoyer's rule for _____.

What is personal jurisdiction?


The two categories of minimum contacts are ______ and ______.

What is specific jurisdiction and general jurisdiction?


General jurisdiction has one contact test, which is that defendant’s contacts are so __________ as to render it __________ in the forum state.

What is continuous and systematic, and essentially at home?


Amenability is governed by the _____ and is subject to the limits of the ______ of the United States Constitution. 

What is forum state's law and the Due Process Clause?


Another type of jurisdiction discussed in Pennoyer is _____, which involves the state’s authority to adjudicate such matters as divorce, adoption, citizenship and mental competence.

What is status?


International Shoe replaced the concept of ______ with the new standards of reasonableness and fairness provided by the __________.

What is state power and the minimum contacts test?

_______ where the lawsuit arises from or relates to the nonresident defendant’s contacts with the forum state.

What is Specific Jurisdiction?


________ where the lawsuit is unrelated to the nonresident defendant’s contacts with the forum state.

What is General Jurisdiction? 

Latin name for state's Jurisdiction over persons

What is in personam?


Under Pennoyer's in personam jurisdiction, a judgment in plaintiff's favor would...

What is (1) binding in all states, (2) for the full amount of damages, and (3) may be enforced repeatedly until fully collected?


The minimums contacts test does not need to be applied if any of the following traditional bases of personal jurisdiction are met _____.

What is (1) Residence in the forum state, (2) Consent to jurisdiction, (3) Waiver of objection to jurisdiction, or (4) Physical presence in the forum when served?


Specific jurisdiction has four contacts tests, one in which the defendant _______  itself of the benefits and protections of forum law. 

What is purposefully availed? 


If the defendant has no contacts with the forum (and does not meet one of the four traditional bases of jurisdiction), then there is ____________ over that defendant

What is no personal jurisdiction?


Latin name for forum state's jurisdiction over interests in property?

What is in rem?

Under Pennoyer's in rem jurisdiction, a judgment in favor of plaintiff...

What is (1) affects everyone’s interests in a res (both parties and nonparties to the lawsuit), (2) does not result in a money judgment, and (3) does not require enforcement outside the forum?


Consent to jurisdiction has two forms, ______ and ______.  

What is Expressed and Implied Consent?


Specific jurisdiction has four contacts tests, another is the defendant should have ______ that its activity would subject it to jurisdiction in the forum state.

What is foreseen?


If the defendant does have specific or general contacts, then the court must consider _________.

What is the fair play and substantial justice test?


Latin name for forum state's jurisdiction over seized property, where plaintiff’s claim is unrelated to the seized property.

What is Quasi in rem?


Under Pennoyer’s quasi in rem jurisdiction, a judgment in plaintiff’s favor...

What is (1) entitles plaintiff to the property attached for jurisdiction, (2) is not a personal judgment, (3) is not enforceable against any other property, (4) may not be enforced more than once, and (5) may not be enforced outside the forum?


Forum selection clauses and non-resident motorists statutes are _____.

What is an example of expressed consent and an example of implied consent?


Specific jurisdiction has four contacts tests the last two are that the defendant could _______ being haled into court in the forum state or placed its product in the  ________ and could foresee that it would be used in the forum state.

What is Reasonably Anticipate and Stream of Commerce?


The balancing test five facts are _____.

What is (1) the burden on the defendant, (2) the plaintiff’s interest in convenient and effective relief, (3) the forum state’s interest, (4) the shared interests of several states in furthering fundamental social policies, and (5) the judicial system’s interest in effective resolution of controversies?
