One of the three main causes of bridge failure caused by fast flowing water.
What is hydrodynamic scour?
What is hydrodynamic Forces?
What is debris Impact?
In hydraulic modeling for runways, this coefficient represents the proportion of rainfall that becomes surface runoff, critical for designing drainage capacity
What is the runoff coefficient?
This method calculates the peak discharge for small drainage areas and is commonly used in roadway hydraulic design.
What is the Rational Method?
This type of bridge scour occurs when flow velocities at the bridge foundation cause erosion of the riverbed around bridge piers or abutments.
What is local scour?
This long-term data record, collected from atmospheric measurements, shows the gradual increase in Earth's average temperature over the past century.
What is global temperature data?
In cold climates, hydraulic systems must address this issue, which can damage pavement integrity.
What is frost heave?
Deterring birds and small mammals from using drainage infrastructure.
What is wildlife mitigation?
This type of culvert inlet is designed to maximize the flow capacity by minimizing entrance losses.
What is a mitered inlet?
This design element uses a specific curve to minimize the likelihood of water overtopping a bridge during high-flow events.
What is freeboard design?
This process involves analyzing tree rings to determine past climate conditions and is used to reconstruct temperature and precipitation records going back thousands of years.
What is dendrochronology?
Their purpose is to control the quantity and quality of water discharged into the environment.
What are stormwater detention and retention systems
This method is used in hydraulic modeling to simulate unsteady flow conditions in drainage systems, accounting for time-varying rainfall and runoff.
What is dynamic wave routing?
This parameter represents the relationship between channel capacity and the velocity of water to prevent erosion.
What is permissible shear stress?
This equation is often used in the design of bridges to estimate the pressure exerted by water on the bridge structure during extreme events.
What is Bernoulli’s equation?
As a result of melting glaciers and ice sheets, sea levels have risen by this amount over the past century, contributing to flooding in coastal areas.
What is:
a. 2"
b. 8"
c. 18"
d. 38"
What is hydraulic jump?
This hydraulic design principle ensures that the flow capacity of a drainage system can handle a once-in 100-years rainfall event.
What is design storm frequency?
In hydraulic modeling, this dimensionless number determines whether flow in a channel is laminar or turbulent.
What is the Reynolds number?
In bridge hydraulic design, this phenomenon refers to the shifting of riverbeds, which can cause changes in the flow direction, affecting bridge foundations.
What is lateral migration or channel meandering?
The combination of rising seal levels and more intense storms has led to the failure of these underground drainage systems in coastal roads through this process.
What is tidal backflow/backwater effect?
The rate of energy dissipation due to friction in a fluid flow, typically represented by a dimensionless number is known as this.
What is head loss?
This advanced weather phenomenon can cause localized intense rainfall, challenging airport hydraulic designs.
What a is microburst?
This hydraulic design criterion ensures culvert performance remains efficient under inlet control by correlating headwater depth on inlet geometry and slope.
What is the headwater-to-diameter ratio (HW/D)?
This type of bridge scour, driven by a combination of turbulent water flow and sediment transport, typically occurs in the presence of fast-moving water around bridge piles or abutments.
What is contraction scour?
Changes in this important design metric, affected by climate change, are forcing engineers to update outdate rainfall statistics used for drainage calculations.
What are IDF (Intensity-Duration-Frequency)curves/data?