Thinking Like a Scientist
Scientific Inquiry
Why Study Science and More?
Careers in Science
At the Movies and More
Observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, and making models.
What is "what are the skills scientists use to learn about the world?"
The diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence they gather.
What is "what is scientific inquiry?"
Presenting at scientific meetings, publishing in journals, and exchanging information on the internet.
What is "what are ways that scientists communicate their results?"
A way of learning about the natural world.
What is "what is science?"
John Toms and Otzi
What is "what are the names of the criminal and the Iceman in the video?"
Curiosity, honesty, open-mindedness, creativity, and skepticism.
What is "what are the attitudes that successful scientists possess?"
Researchers must be able to carry out investigations and gather evidence that will either support or disprove the hypothesis.
What is "what is a testable hypothesis?"
If the data supports the hypothesis, whether there is enough data, and if anything happened during the experiment that affected results.
What is "what do scientists consider when drawing conclusions?"
Earth and space science, physical science, and life science.
What is "What are the three main branches of science?"
Using a controlled experiment.
What is "what is the only way we can be sure of which variable explains experimental results?"
Observations are information gathered using one or more of your sense.
What is "what is an observation?"
The factor that may change in response to the manipulated variable.
What is "what is the responding variable?"
A surprising observation or accidental discovery at any stage of the process can lead to new questions, new hypotheses and experiments.
What is "why the phrase Pose Questions is placed at the center of the scientific inquiry process?"
Most scientific questions being investigated today span the different fields of science.
What is "why the three main branches of science aren't really separate?"
DNA testing and fiber analysis
What is "what are the tools that present-day forensic scientists use to solve the investigation?"
While inferences are attempts to explain what is happening or has happened, predictions are forecasts of what will happen.
What is "how are predictions and inferences related?"
Because new information may inspire new questions or need for additional data may require additional experimentation.
What is "why scientific inquiry is a process with many paths, not a rigid sequence of steps?"
Understanding basic scientific terms and principles well enough to evaluate information, make personal decisions, and take part in public affairs.
What is "what is having scientific literacy?"
Artists, chefs, and firefighters
What is "What are some non-science careers that use science everyday?"
They describe how to measure a particular variable or define a particular term so it's clear to all involved.
What is "why is having operational definitions important?"
Putting socks in one drawer and shirts in another.
What is "what are examples of classifying objects?"
Unlike a theory, it describes an observed pattern in nature without attempting to explain it.
What is "how do scientific theories differ from scientific laws?"
You will be able to identify good sources of scientific information, evaluate them for accuracy, and apply the knowledge to questions or problems in your life.
What is "why is having scientific literacy important?"
Botanists, soil scientists, and chemists.
What is "Who are the scientists that work together to answer questions related to developing biofuels?"
Photos of the crime scene, taking temperature of victim, making a plaster cast of the footprint, examining hair and fibers, and analyzing blood samples and gunpower residue.
What is "what observations did modern-day forensic scientists make that helped them determine that John Toms was guilty?"