Perfect attendance
Come to class every day
Ms. M and Ms. M have not said to come in
Wait quietly outside until invited into the room
The door is closed
Be on time. You are late
I have my pencil
Come to class prepared
Actively listen
Cell phone is locked in the bag and in the bin
Turn in your cell phone during home room
Do things when asked
Actively follow directions
I must have a pass from a teacher
Only 4 scholars per group
Do no move chairs to different groups
Hoods are not to be worn inside the building
I pick up paper off the floor, even if it's not mine
Respect the classroom and all materials
I have something to say
Raise your hand to speak
Not laughing at another student's answer
Provide positivity at all times
No bad words
Use school appropriate language
Not touching anyone
Respect personal boudaries
You have to hold it
No restroom during direct instruction
Remain in your seat
Say or do something, own it, and take the consequences of your choice
"My bad" is not a 'free pass' nor does it excuse your behavior
I don't want homework
Use work time wisely
It might be scary, but I'm going to do it anyway
Try new things
Writing, drawing, or scratching tables or chairs results in everyone losing them for 5 school day.
Nothing shall enter your mouth
No food, drinks, or gum allowed in the classroom, unless given by Ms. Monnier or Ms. Martinez
Don't play with materials on the tables
Do not touch materials on the tables until told to do so
I don't have a pencil
Ms. Monnier sells pencils and lead for .25 cents each
This is now state law
No cell phones in the classroom