General Info about the Flu
Hazards of Vaccine
Therapies for Prevention
How is the flu most often transmitted?
What is through the air (most often by someone coughing or sneezing).
The influenza vaccine is contraindicated in these patients.
What is Guillian Barre Syndrome. *Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare disorder in which a person’s own immune system damages their nerve cells, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. GBS can cause symptoms that usually last for a few weeks. It is estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop GBS each year on average, whether or not they received a vaccination.
Name four types of people that are at high risk for getting the flu?
What are young children, pregnant woman, people with chronic health conditions, and people over 65 years old.
Stay Home.
What is the best thing to do If I should become ill with the flu?
Adults 65 years of age and older, pregnant women, people with certain medical conditions such as asthma/diabetes/heart disease, and young children.
Who are People at high risk of flu complications.
What type of infection is the flu?
What is viral. A Virus cannot be treated with an antibiotic. A Virus requires a living host to replicate.
How long does it take for the vaccine to kick in and start protecting you?
What is two weeks. (It takes about two weeks after vaccination for your body to build up enough antibodies to protect you).
True or False....I have a latex allergy so I should not receive a flu vaccination.
What is false.
Single best way to avoid the flu.
What is a Flu Vaccine.
What "season" runs from October through May?
What is Flu season?
Symptoms of flu.
What is fever, cough and/or sore throat, runny nose, headache, chills, fatigue, and nausea.
The flu vaccination has a contraindication that involves food, what is this?
What is severe egg allergy. *People with egg allergies are now able to receive the flu vaccine under medical supervision.
What mild side effect can be expected from the intramuscular flu vaccine?
What is a sore arm where the vaccine was given. (The soreness is often caused by a person’s immune system making protective antibodies in response to being vaccinated. These antibodies are what allow the body to fight against flu. The soreness can last 1-2 days after vaccination).
Antiviral Medications....
What is an Tamiflu and Relenza.
The flu vaccine is optional at LIFE at Lourdes.
What is uhhh....No. The Flu vaccine is Mandatory for all Lourdes Employees.
The main difference between the cold and the flu symptoms?
What is Fever.....OR....(what does it feel like to be hit by a Mac Truck?)
The nasal flu vaccine spray is indicated for what age range?
What is no age range. The nasal spray has not been recommended by the CDC for the past two years.
The Lourdes flu vaccine contains what type of metal that is known to be hazardous for humans?
What is No mercury in our vaccines. Lourdes vaccinates with Fluarix Quadrivalent/GlaxoSmithKline which DOES NOT contain thimerisol (mercury)
People with the flu should do these three things in order to get better quicker.
What is plenty of rest, drink plenty of liquids, and avoid using alcohol and tobacco.
What is it called if there is one laboratory-confirmed influenza positive case along with other cases of respiratory infection in our facility.
What is an Influenza outbreak?
True or False....Lourdes does not require that I receive a Flu vaccination.
What is False? The Flu vaccine is MANDATORY for all Lourdes Employees. You may be exempt if you have a medical condition that prohibits you from receiving the vaccine. Or Your have sincere religous beliefs/practices that prohibit the vaccine.
True or false? The influenza vaccine is approved for children younger than 6 months of age.
What is False. (Influenza vaccine is contraindicated in these patients)
I can get the flu from the vaccination.
What is...NO. Our Vaccine is not made with a live virus and CAN NOT give you the flu!!!
What is the best way to prevent the flu besides the flu shot?
What is good personal health and hygiene habits. Frequent hand washing, staying home if you are sick, avoiding being around sick people, and not touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
All Lourdes Employees!
Who is required to receive the Flu Vaccine.