There are 2
What are seeds?
Two seeds lay _____ by _____ in the fertile soil.
What is side by side?
The first seed wants to feel the warmth of the water
What is False?
12 x 12
What is 144
ssalc siht evol i
What is I love this class?
The first seed wants to announce the arrival of this season
What is Spring?
The first seed said, "I want to ______"
What is grow?
The first seed grew
What is True?
What is 24?
What is imagination
The second seed was afraid to send this into the ground
What are roots?
Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile _______.
What is soil?
The second seed was worried
What is True?
What is 2
tnellaT .rD
Who is Dr. Tallent
The second seed was afraid of this insect eating it
What is a snail?
The second seed said ________ (hint: expression)
What is hmmmmm?
Those who dream big and think positively won't grow
What is False?
What is 144?
skoob loohcs
What are school books?
This story is about two _____
What are seeds?
It's okay to give up
What is False?
What is 42?
What is family?