Emotions 1
Emotions 2
Emotions 3
Emotions 4
What can cause...
The boy had nothing to do as he sat alone during the summer
What is bored
He laid on his bed looking at his homework that is due the next day.
What is unmotivated
The little boy was spending the night with his best friend. When it was bedtime he wanted to ask his friend's parents to take him home.
What is homesick
The boy knew that when he got home from school they were going to go get a new puppy.
What is excited

Playing a favorite game, being with friends or family members, enjoying activities, etc.

What can cause happiness?

The mom heard crying from her four year old child. When she went to see what happen, she saw the child trying to tie his own shoe and was not able to do it. How is the child feeling?
What is frustrated
The marathon runner was tired but still wanted to finish the race.
What is determined
The boy went to his hispanic friend's house and his family was speaking Spanish. He did not know how to speak Spanish.
What is out of place or left out.
The student wanted to make a good grade so he studied every night and did extra work for the class.
What is motivated

Being home alone, someone is very ill, you hear strange noises, it's dark outside, etc.

What can cause fear?

As the father listened to the his son's story about how the car was wrecked, he began to wonder if his son's story was the truth. How is the father feeling?
What is suspicious
The student walk proudly to the front of the class to give his speech because he had practiced it many times the night before. How is the student feeling?
What is confident
The boy ask the pretty girl for a date and she said "no". How is the boy feeling?
What is rejected
The boy learning how to drive, drove very slowly because he didn't want to have a wreck.
What is cautious

You and your friend are in a fight, your parents don't give you something you want, someone insults you, etc.

What can cause anger?

The man sat in jail thinking about what he had done.
What is regret
She bought a __________ card to give her friend whose father had died because she felt sorry for her friend. What is she feeling?
What is sympathy
The man worked from sun up to sun down.
What is exhausted
The girl moved to a new town and today was her first day at her new school.
What is anxious

Your parent doesn't show up when they said they would, you missed the winning soccer goal at the game, you don't have enough money for a new game.

What can cause disappointment?

The boy watched the girl that he has liked for a long time laugh, talk and hold hands with the most popular boy in school.
What is envious or envy
The children continued to be noisy while the woman was trying to talk and listen to her friend. How is the woman feeling?
What is irritated, bothered, annoyed, aggravated
The girl had a lot of homework and she was getting home late from the game. She also had to work the next day after school.
What is overwhelmed
The father rushed to the hospital because the police called and said his son had been in a car wreck. When he got to the hospital his son was fine with only some scratches and bruises.
What is relieved or relief

You're scared to get in trouble, you don't want to face your problems, you are trying to protect someone else, etc.

What can cause denial?
