Name this object
What is this used for
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This object helps you get dried when wet

Towels-Most historians give Turkey, and specifically its city of Bursa, the credit for creating the first bath towels in the 1600s. The towels, a thin woven piece of linen or cotton then, played an important part in Turkish culture because, well, baths played an important role.


What is the purpose of a hammer

General carpentry. This includes framing, nail pulling, cabinet making, assembling furniture, upholstering, finishing, riveting, bending or shaping metal, striking masonry drill and steel chisel


This item was invented because of power outages & when was it invented

Flashlight-January 10, 1899


Rocking chair-Benjamin Franklin in 1710


How much did this object cost in the 1960's on average 

 The portable record player $51.75


What do we use so we do not slip in the bathroom either on our feet or outside the tub

Bath mats-Prevent slips and wet floors in your bathroom. Weaved straw or plantlike grasses called rushes, were the first form of mat found in Mesopotamia about 6,000 years ago. 

Shower shoes- Were invented by Adidas as sandals back in the '60s when a German football team asked for a shoe that could be worn in their changing rooms and showers.


What is the purpose of a microwave

Heating food. The microwave uses a device called a magnetron inside the oven that produces microwaves. The microwaves reflect off the metal interior of the oven and cause the water molecules in food to vibrate. This vibration results in friction between molecules, which produces heat that cooks the food


This item was invented to help people communicate differently because they could speak to one another using this device. When was it invented

Telephone-March 7, 1876


 The icebox was invented by an American farmer and cabinetmaker named Thomas Moore in 1802.


How much did this item cost on average 

 Television-The first commercially made electronic televisions with cathode ray tubes were manufactured by Telefunken in Germany in 1934, followed by other makers in France (1936), Britain (1936), and US (1938). The cheapest model with a 12-inch (30 cm) screen was $445 (equivalent to $8,567 in 2021). As the tv became more available the cost was on average  $300


What do we use to help us anchor something on the wall, wood together, etc.

Nails-The use of nails dates back to ancient times, and they are believed to have originated in Mesopotamia as early as 3500 BCE. The first nails were most likely made out of copper of bronze, and nails would later be made out of iron.


What is the purpose of a plunger

To help clear blockages in the pipes, drains, toilet etc. 



This item was invented as another way of transportation eventually replacing horses and carriages. What year did it come to life.

The Car-1893


Toilet paper-1857, by Joseph Gayetty


How much did this item cost in 1970 on average 

 The automobile $3,542 dollars






This holds flowers and water to help the plant seed to grow and stay protected from harsh climates and animals

Vase/Flower Pot-The Ancient Egyptians are thought to be the earliest civilization to have used vases or pots for decorative purposes. This includes plants,flowers etc. The use of plant containers outdoors as a secure method of moving plants from one growing environment to another.


What is the purpose of a refrigerator  

Keep food items cold and fresh longer. The fridge uses refrigerant. The refrigerant circulates inside them to change from a liquid into a gas. This process, called evaporation, cools the surrounding area. The electric refrigerator replaced the ice box which was the first form of the fridge


Who is credited with discovering electricity. 

Ben Franklin-1752


 Paper-ad 105, when Ts'ai Lun, in China, created a sheet of paper using mulberry and other bast fibers along with fishnets, old rags, and hemp waste.


What did this item cost in 1980's on average 

 Dishwasher A small under-the-counter machine cost $249


We use this item to help us clean the floor because it has suction and a container that holds dirt and debris. 

Vacuum-Asthmatic American inventor James Spangler sold his idea for an electric broomstick-like cleaner—with cloth filter and dust-collection bag attached to the long handle—to William Hoover in 1908


What is the purpose of Spackle 

Patch small holes, cracks and other imperfections like dents in drywall, plaster walls, and sometimes in wood



Who invented electricity in the home setting  and when did the United States start using electricity in their home. 

Thomas Edison-1882 Edison helped form the Edison Electric Illuminating Company,which brought electric light to parts of Manhattan.



Sony Walkman-TPS-L2, in 1979,


What did this item cost on average in the 1990's on average

The home computer- In 1990, personal home computers ranged from $1000-$2000. In 1995, computer prices ranged anywhere from $730 to $3500.

Today home computers cost between $400 and $600. If you're looking for a system which will last 4 to 5 years, you're probably going to be paying somewhere between $600 and $900

