General ?'s
Site Specific ?'s
Summer Safety
Standards & Expectations
Hard hats, safety glasses, safety goggles, face shields, Safety gloves
What is personal protective equipment
Emergency Preparedness website, Assembly/Accountability and Evacuation Review the Warning Signals and know what actions to take if you hear them. Emergency Warning Signals ID badge card. Be aware of the Assembly Areas and pre-plan where you would report based on your normal work location. Assembly Areas ID badge card.
What is where the Emergency Action Plan is located.
Management Commitment to Safety and Health Protection and to VPP Participation Policy Goals, Objectives, and Planning Visible Top Management Leadership Responsibility and Authority Line Accountability Resources Employee Involvement Contract Employee Coverage Written Safety and Health Management System
What is Management Leadership and Employee Involvement
Focused, uninterrupted supervision of adults when children are in or near the water, as well as the installation of pool fences that have self-lock gates.
What is prevention of child drownings.
Confine Space Electrical Safety Suspended Loads Control of Hazardous Energy Fall Protection Red (Danger) Barricade Tape
What is Six Rules to Live By.
Plant Access Training - (PAT-NGA02 Site Access Training (NGA-01) Daily Safety Briefings and Pre-job Briefings Fire Watch Training - Fire Watch Fundamentals - (NGF15) Electrical Safe Work Practices - NDS08 or NDS09) Radiation Worker Training - (RWT) Human Performance/ Safe Behavior Workshop (NGH25)
What is different types of safety and health training received
Chemical Use Permit (eCUP) MSDS / CUP Database Environmental website, http://pvonline/environmental Procedures and Permits can also be found on the Environmental website
What is where you find specific information regarding chemicals found on site.
Managers Supervisors Employees Emergencies PPE
What is Safety and Health Training
Limit sun exposure, wear protective clothing, hats and use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15
What is prevention of sunburns/exposure.
Task Demands Individual Capabilities Work Environment Human Nature
What is Error Precursors.
Both management and employees adhere to Palo Verde's Leadership Model where every employee is considered a leader. If an employee of Palo Verde needs to be disciplined for any reason, and investigation is conducted and a Discipline Review Panel is conducted as outlined in Policy Guide 0306-01
What is, What happens if management or employee disobeys a company safety rule.
An OSHA 300 Log is a yearly summary of all occupational-related illnesses and injuries experienced by an employer. By law, it must be posted by Feb. 1 of each year at a location available to all employees at the place of business and remain posted at least until April 30 of the same year. At Palo Verde, the Industrial Health and Safety Department maintains and posts these yearly summaries at official bulletin boards throughout the facility. Our OSHA 300 Log also can be obtained directly on the Safety website. In the Event Notification column, click on “Event Tracking System: View event reports” and in the form that opens, enter the facility name, desired year and any other information.
What is what is an OSHA 300 log and where it can be found.
Certified Professional Resources Hazard Elimination and Control Methods - Engineering Controls - Administrative Controls - Work Practice Controls and Hazard Control Programs - Safety and Health Rules and Disciplinary System - Personal Protective Equipment Process Safety Management (if applicable) Occupational Health Care Program Preventive/Predictive Maintenance Tracking of Hazard Correction Emergency Preparedness
What is Hazard Prevention and Control
•During the hottest hours of the day, stay inside •Drink plenty of water and other fluids •Avoid drinking alcohol and beverages that are carbonated or contain caffeine when temperatures are high •Never ever leave a person or a pet in the car in hot conditions •Seek medical care right away if you become nauseous, start vomiting or experience cramps
What is heat exposure prevention
Safety Integrity and Trust Respect Accountability
What is our Core Values.
Allows participation on the Site Safety Committee and other safety-related station initiatives. Encourages participation in the area inspection process.
What is how does management support your involvement in safety.
Health (Blue) Flammability (Red) Instability/Reactivity (Yellow) Special (White) The four divisions are typically color-coded, with blue indicating level of health hazard, red indicating flammability, yellow (chemical) reactivity, and white containing special codes for unique hazards. Each of health, flammability and reactivity is rated on a scale from 0 (no hazard; normal substance) to 4 (severe risk).
What is National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) labels, and what the different colors labels/numbers represent.
Hazard Analysis of Routine Jobs, Tasks, and Processes Hazard Analysis of Significant Changes, New Processes, and Non-Routine Tasks - Including pre-use analysis and new baselines Routine Self-Inspections Hazard Reporting System for Employees Industrial Hygiene Program Investigation of Accidents and Near-Misses Trend/Pattern Analysis
What is Work site Analysis
NEVER squeeze the area or use tweezers because it may push more venom into the skin. Remove the stinger by either scraping your fingernail over the area or using a straight edge like a credit card. You want to wash the area with soap and water -- if there's swelling, apply ice. Try not to scratch because it may cause an infection
Reactivity Control Maintenance of Vital Auxiliaries Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Inventory Control RCS Pressure Control Core Heat Removal Containment Isolation Containment Temperature, Pressure and Combustible Gas Control
What is the Eight Critical Safety Functions
Corrective Action Program (CAP) - Palo Verde Action Request (PVAR) Contact Industrial Health & Safety
What is methods of reporting a safety or health concern.
CR, OSC, CTMT, TSC, Buildings A, B, D, E, and F, EIC, Auto Shop, North Annex, Warehouse, and Water Rec.
What is, where the plant site assembly points are located
Be truthful, be positive. Talk about safety improvements and your personal experiences…relax -there are no wrong answers! This is the time to show off and shine. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know.” But be sure to let them know that you'll find out and let them know. Be prepared! Think about how to answer these questions before you are interviewed.
What is Guidelines for a Successful VPP Audit
A good rule of thumb is "leaves of three, let it be." Poison oak and ivy usually are clustered in leaves of three. They contain an oil that when gets on your skin can cause an allergic reaction.
What is fire contribution to core damage frequency.