What is the leaf? (specifically the petiole, which connects the leaf blade to the plant)
What is the root?
Any thickened root is a storage root. It is also called a taproot when the primary root becomes thick. Also, interestingly, the very top of most root vegetables is thickened hypocotyl (the stem tissue below the cotyledons, but above true root tissue).
What is the fruit?
Plums are a kind of true fleshy fruit called a drupe. We eat the exocarp and mesocarp. The endocarp is the woody "stone."
What is a fruit? Pepper corns are berries!
What is the seed?
The fruit of the coffee plant is a berry, and the pericarp is removed from the coffee seed during processing.
Brussel sprouts
What are the leaves?
Brussel sprouts are axillary leaf buds. (Delicious and cute!)
What is the shoot?
We eat asparagus when the shoot is very young, to minimize fibers and long before the leaves elongate.
What is the leaf? (specifically the petiole, which connects the leaf blade to the plant)
What is a shoot? (underground stem called a rhizome)
Sugar cane
What is the shoot? (stem)
What are the leaves?
Onions are bulbs, which are made up of layers of leaves that have been modified for storage.
What are the leaves?
What is the fruit?
Avocados are a true fleshy fruit called a berry! All three layers of the pericarp are "soft" (enough to cut; the endocarp is a thin layer fused with the mesocarp), and the brown on the pit is the seed coat (the seed inside has white cotyledons and the embryonic root/shoot of the new plant.)
What is a shoot? (and underground stem called a rhizome)
What is a leaf?
Tea is made from the leaves and leaf buds of the plant Camellia sinensis.
Lotus root
What is the shoot? (underground stem called a rhizome)
Lotus is even more specialized as it underwater rhizome; the holes conduct air to the submerged tissue!
What are the flower buds and shoot?
Cauliflower and broccoli flowers are eaten when they are immature. Most of us just eat the stem/shoot and immature flowers, but not the leaves (though you can!).
What is the ovary and receptacle?
Apples and pears are pomes, what's called an accessory fruit because both the ovary wall becomes soft, sweet and fleshy, as does the fused receptacle (called a hypanthium when it encircles the ovary).
What is the flower?
Specifically, saffron is the dried stigma of Crocus sativus.
What is the seed?
Chocolate is made by fermenting the fruit that surrounds the seed, then roasting and grinding the seed to make cocoa.
What is flower buds?
The scales are sepals covering a cluster of immature flower buds!
Water chestnut
What is the shoot? (It is a corm like a crocus, a thickened starchy underground stem)
What is primarily shoot (swollen receptacle)?
The fig is a multiple fruit were the receptacle becomes fleshy and is filled with individual flowers that give rise to little fruit called drupes (like a cherry). Most figs we eat are parthenocarpic though, so the seeds do not develop (are not fertilized) though the fruit and receptacle wall thicken, soften and become sweet.
What is a flower bud?
What is the root and shoot?
True licorice is made from the roots and rhizome (underground stem) of the plant Glycyrrhiza glabra. It is in the pea family!