Communication Skills
Behavioral Challenges
Building Trust
Problem Scenarios

It's best for a mentor to give advice immediately when a child shares a problem. True or False?

False. Mentors should first listen and ask guiding questions before giving advice.


True or False: Ignoring misbehavior is always the best way to handle it.

False. It’s important to address misbehavior in a constructive way.


True or False: Trust can be rebuilt quickly after it is broken.

False. It takes time and effort to rebuild trust after it is broken.


This role serves as the "Principle" in the leadership system.

The President 


A little buddy really likes talking to you and wants to follow you on TikTok. How do you respond?

Respectfully... say no...


What is one of the most important things a mentor should do when a child is speaking?

Actively listen and avoid interrupting


What is the first step a mentor should take when dealing with a child who is being disruptive?

Stay calm and try to understand the root cause of the behavior.


What is one way to build trust with a child over time?

Hint: being... (adjective)

Be consistent 


This role serves as the "Administrators" in the leadership system.

General Managers 

The child may seem disinterested or unmotivated during activity. What do you do?
See if there's anything that THEY want to do!

What type of questions are most effective for encouraging children to open up about their feelings?

Open Ended Questions


Name a proactive strategy to prevent misbehavior in group settings.

Set clear expectations and rules before activities begin


Why is it important for mentors to share appropriate personal experiences with their mentees?

It helps create relatability and shows the mentor’s vulnerability, fostering trust.


Who makes all of the activities and communicates with on campus partners?

The Vice President of Activity Planning 


A little buddy is running away from you. Once you catch up to them, you remind them of what rule?

The High Five Rule


How should mentors phrase their feedback to kids to encourage growth?

Use positive, constructive feedback instead of criticism.


What is the best way to approach a child who consistently acts out in a mentoring session?

Address the behavior privately, focusing on support and understanding rather than punishment.


What should a mentor do if a child shares something personal or sensitive?

Respect their confidentiality unless the information indicates harm.


Who in the chapter is responsible for making sure that all mentors fundraising goals are met?

Vice president of Fundraising 


A little buddy is cursing in another language. When you get notified of this, what do you do?

Approach the situation as if the child were cursing in English. Remind them that those words are unkind and the effects it can have on others.


What technique can a mentor use to ensure they understand what the child is saying?

Paraphrase what the child said and ask for confirmation


When a child exhibits anger or frustration, what is one strategy a mentor can use to help the child manage their emotions?

Help the child take deep breaths, or guide them through a calm-down strategy.


Name a behavior that can erode trust between a mentor and a mentee.

Being unreliable or inconsistent 


Who serves as the site manager for this chapter? (It was said earlier during the presentation)

Dr. Butler 


What do you do if you notice bruises on your little business arm? 

Ask the little buddy open-ended questions, then notify your VPP afterward!
