Athletics, Attack Rolls, Physical Rolls use what Ability check?
What is Strength?
If you want to be the first to act in a round, you better roll well in what roll?
What is Initiative?
This condition means not being able to see and automatically failing any ability check that requires sight
What is Blinded?
Half Horse, Half Man. Also known as..?
What is a Centaur?
This species has an affinity for stone and metal and for living underground. Squat and often bearded, carved cities and strongholds into mountainsides and under the earth.
What is a Dwarf?
Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth use what Ability check?
What is Dexterity?
Making a melee attack that involves using your body to deal one of the following effects; Damage, Grapple or Shove is considered what?
What is Unarmed Strike?
This condition is cumulative. Each time you receive it, you gain 1 level. You die if you reach level 6.
What is Exhaustion?
a type of powerful and feared undead that fed on blood
What is a Vampire?
This species has pointed ears and lack facial and body hair. They live for around 750 years, and they don’t sleep but instead enter a trance when they need to rest.
What is an Elf?
Those proficient in; Deception, Intimidation, Performance and Persuasion must have a high Ability score in which category?
What is Charisma?
This action lets you double your movement speed in combat for a turn.
What is a Dash?
Your only movement options are to crawl or to spend an amount of movement equal to half your Speed (round down) to right yourself and thereby end what condition?
What is Prone?
What is this?
What is a Beholder?
These species have a saying, "We wear our homes on our backs"
What is a Tortle?
The measure of Health, Stamina, and Vital force are examples of what Ability Score?
What is Constitution?
When a creature that you can see leaves your reach using its action, you are able to do an ____ before so.
What is an Opportunity Attack?
Under this Condition you can not attack the source of this condition with damaging abilities or magical effects.
What is Charmed?
These species are incredibly powerful. Can be Scaled by age; Young, Adult and Ancient. Also known to have breath attacks.
What is a Dragon?
This species is linked by blood to a devil, a demon, or some other Fiend.
What is a Tiefling?
Medicine checks let you try and stabilize a dying companion or diagnose an illness. The higher your score in This ability check will raise your chance of success.
What is Wisdom?
In order to avoid an Opportunity Attack as you leave an opposing creatures reach you can take what action?
What is Disengage?
Under this Condition, you are transformed, along with any nonmagical objects you are wearing and carrying, into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone). Your weight increases by a factor of ten, and you cease aging.
What is Petrified?
Mindless, emotionless creations that knew only how to fulfill the orders of their creators. Tough, fearsome combatants with incredible defenses. Usually created by a wizard or cleric.
What is a Golem?
With ever-changing appearances, this species resides in many societies undetected. Each can supernaturally adopt any face they like. For some, a new face is only a disguise. For others, a new face may reveal an aspect of their soul.
What is a Changeling?