Nutrition 101
Healthy Living
Allergies and Safety
Vitamins and Minerals

True or False? 

Meats and Dairy Products are the only source of protein in our foods.


Beans, soy, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and other legumes are all non-animal sources of protein. 


True or false: I do not have to exercise as long as I eat healthy. 

False! Physical activity and diet are both important when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle and preventing illness such as heart disease. 


True or false: Food allergies can emerge or go away throughout a persons life. 

True! A child with a peanut allergy could outgrow the allergy by the time they reach adulthood, but this is not guaranteed. 


True or False : Citrus fruits, bell peppers and tomatoes are good sources of Vitamin C. 

True! The recommended daily value of Vitamin C is 90 mg, or the equivalent of eating 2 oranges or 1 bell pepper. Vitamin C is good for bones, teeth and skin.


What is the name of the appliance used to cook food at low heat over long periods of time? Hint: it is generally used to make soups, roasts, and other one-pot meals. 

A slow cooker!


True or False : Brown sugar is better for blood glucose levels than white sugar.

False : 

Sugar is sugar to the body!


How much of your plate should be filled with fruits and veggies?



True or False : Food intolerance is the same as a food allergy. 

False. Intolerance can cause digestive tract symptoms, like gas or bloating, while allergies are immune system reactions that can cause life threatening symptoms. 


You've discovered the DAILY DOUBLE, where points are doubled! This question is worth 400 points. 

Who was the first to formulate the concept of vitamins?

A. Vladimir Ivan

B. Mr. Isaac 

C. Casimir Funk

D. Marie Curie

C. Casimir Funk!


Which of the following additives consists of skin and bones of animals?

A) Gelatin

B) Custard Powder


A) Gelatin! Fun fact : This is why foods such as Jello and Marshmallows are not safe for vegans to consume. 


This unit is used to measure the amount of energy in a food or drink.

A Calorie


_______ and ______ are risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes. (There are many, but just name two!)

Any of the following are correct: Obesity, physical inactivity, insulin resistance, genetics, pancreas dysfunction, hormonal diseases (such as Cushings), genetic diseases (such as cystic fibrosis).


A ______ allergy is among the most common and deadly allergies in the United States, causing anaphylaxis more often than milk, shellfish, wheat or soy. 



An important mineral that is found in milk and cheeses. 



This staple spice, often used in conjunction with salt at the dinner table, used to be so valuable that it was used as currency in the Middle Ages. 

Black Pepper


_____ and _____ are micronutrients required by the body to carry out a range of normal functions. Our body cannot produce them naturally so we must get them from the foods we eat. 

Some examples include : Vitamin A, phosphorous, sodium, and Vitamin D, 

(200 pts per blank)

Vitamins and Minerals


Which Southeast Asian spice is helpful for alleviating nausea?



A sticky and sweet food that never expires or goes bad. 



This vitamin is important for bone health and helps you absorb calcium from dairy that you consume. 

A) Vitamin A

B) Vitamin B

C) Vitamin C

D) Vitamin D

Vitamin D : Sources of vitamin D include eggs, white mushrooms, salmon, tuna, and sunlight. 


Born and raised in Over-the-Rhine, Ronald Howes got the idea for his “Kiddie Kuisine” invention after watching street vendors use heat lamps to keep their food piping hot. What name did he give the classic children’s cooking toy?

Easy-Bake Oven

What are the 5 main food groups needed for a healthy diet? (100 pts for each correct response)

Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein, Dairy


A fruit, that looks and tastes similar to a mango, that contains an enzyme that aids digestion and also helps tenderize meat



An food allergy occurs when the body's _______ system sees certain foods as harmful, and reacts by causing symptoms known as allergic reactions.  

Immune System. 


Can you name the at least 5 of the 7 major minerals in food? (100 points for each mineral you can name)

Hint: Many of these are found on nutrition labels. 

They include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur.


A roux is often added while cooking to help thicken sauces or soups. What are the main ingredients of this sauces?

A) Flour and Water

B) Fire and Ice

C) Flour and Butter

D) Ben and Jerry's

C) Flour and Butter
