Animal Facts #6
Stealing Questions From Disorderly

Scallops produce these inside their bodies, which can be worn as jewelry.



Sort These Billiards/Pool ball colors from highest number to lowest number. (hint: all of them are solid, not striped)

Black, Blue, Green, Maroon, Purple, Yellow

Black 8, Maroon 7, Green 6, Purple 4, Blue 2, Yellow 1


Sort these Pokemon based on what level they evolve, highest level to lowest level.

Abra, Caterpie, Geodude, Lotad, Mareep, Oddish

Geodude 25, Oddish 21, Abra 16, Mareep 15, Lotad 14, Caterpie 7


Sort these numbers from largest to smallest.

# of baby teeth an average person has, # of chess pieces 1 player starts with, # of pyramids in Egypt, # of starting players for one soccer team, # of Tiger Woods Masters wins, # of US Presidential assassinations

Pyramids 118, Baby Teeth 20, Chess 16, Soccer 11, Tiger Woods 5, Assassinations 4


Sort these numbers from largest to smallest.

fastest marathon time in minutes, highest possible score in a single game of bowling, # of NBA games LeBron has played, # of Pokemon (as of Gen 9), # of Simpsons episodes, # of US House of Representative Seats

LeBron 1470, Pokemon 1025, Simpsons 760, House 435, Bowling 300, Marathon 120


sort these by weight, heaviest to lightest.

1 million dollars in $100 bills, an average adult African Elephant, the heaviest Bench Press ever, the Liberty Bell, a 2024 Nissan Versa, the heaviest Pumpkin ever grown

Elephant (12000), Pumpkin (2749), Nissan (2598), Liberty Bell (2080), Bench (783), Bills (22)
