The Bible contains 2 sections
What are the Old Testament and the New Testament
Meaning of the word inspired
What is God breathed
the number of Gods
What is one
Salvation, according to Romans 6:23
What is the gift of God
The head of the Church
Who is Jesus
The accepted books in the Bible
What is the Canon
the word of God is ____________
What is true, eternal, pure
How God identified Himself to Moses
What is "I Am"
we are saved by ________ through ______
What are grace and faith
The ordinances of the church
What are baptism and the Lord's supper
The three sections of the Old Testament
What are the law, prophets, writings
The writer of the Bible
God, through human authors
In Genesis one, how do we recognize the plurality in the Godhead
what is the plural name of God, or, "Let us make man in Our image."
The reason for salvation
All have sinned
Membership in the universal church belongs to ...
All those that are truly saved
One reason a New Testament book is included in the Bible
What is authority, internal evidence, and acceptance by the early church
The Bible is the complete revelation of God for ___________
What is salvation
The two chapters where we have much to describe the Son
What is John 1 and Colossians 1
According to Romans 10, how it is that man is saved
What is confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, believe in you heart God raised Him from the dead
Each member of the church has this to participate in the ministry of the church
What are spiritual gifts
the century by which the books of the New Testament were standardized
What is the fifth century
the Bible is profitable for (give 2)
What is teaching, rebuking, correcting, training
The Greek word paraklete, is used of the Holy Spirit in John 14 and has the translation of _______________
What is counselor or advocate
define faith
"The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." A belief that governs all our actions
The early practices of the church were
What are devotion to the Apostle's teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, prayer