Say it or think it
Where am I?

You are drinking water in class and accidentally drop your water bottle. 

-Get paper towels to clean it up

-Tell others to look out 

-Tell an adult


Your outfit is not cute 

Think it 


One of your friends smells of BO a bit after break times. They do not seem to realise this, but other people are now calling them names.

Friend- embarrassed, confused 

Others- annoyed, grossed out 


As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to decide what I would buy with my $3. The chocolate truffles looked delicious, but they were expensive. The jelly beans were not only cheaper, but so colorful! With so much to choose from, I knew I would be here a long time.

A candy store

What is an appropriate way to greet some one you are meeting for the first time?

"Hi, my name is _____. It is nice to meet you."


You are with your friend at McDonalds for lunch. You are very hungry. When you went to pay you checked your pockets and forgot your wallet. 

-Ask your friend to borrow money

-Call your mom or dad to bring your wallet or some money 


I like the shirt you have on today. 

Say it 


One of your friends keeps making nasty comments about another person in your class. Lots of other people are laughing at the things they are saying. 

Classmate being bullied- sad, upset, confused 


The water felt so good on such a hot day. I heard the other children laughing and yelling across the way.  The concrete was wet from a group of teenagers splashing each other in the corner. The lifeguard watched closely to keep children from running.

A swimming pool


What can you do if you need to leave a conversation?

"It was nice talking with you. I need to go ____. I'll catch up with you more soon."


You had to talk to a teacher about an assignment after school. You missed the last bus home. 

-Walk (if it's close enough) 

-Call mom or dad to come pick you up 


Your friend wrote on the bathroom wall. You want to tell him that wasn't cool.

Say it 


You are kind of shy and you have a friend that tells you what to do a lot. It is starting to bother you.

You- angry, annoyed 


I was allowed to push the cart. The front left wheel was broken, so the cart wobbled down each aisle. Mother put various packages and boxes in the cart, but I didn’t notice. I was trying to keep the cart going straight as it got heavier and heavier.

A grocery store


What is an appropriate way to end a conversation? 

"It was nice talking with you." 

"Thanks for checking in. Have a nice day." 


The sun is shining when you walked to school in the morning. After school you are about to walk home. It starts to rain. 

-Call mom or dad to pick you up 

-Walk home quickly in the rain (if you have an umbrella)


Your friend's Mom got into a minor car accident this morning. You want to tell your friend that her Mom shouldn't have been speeding.

Think it


Ryan is always bullying you. Today he stole your lunch money. When you asked him to give it back, he ignored you.

You: upset, annoyed, sad, hungry 

 As we entered, a large blast of water hit the windshield. Huge flopping sponges began to slap at the hood as we slowly moved forward. Soon, there were suds spilling over the sides. I was glad the windows were rolled up!

A car wash


What is an appropriate way to excuse yourself to the bathroom?

"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." 


You just finished hanging out with friends at the mall. You take the bus home but get off at the wrong stop and don't know where you are. Your phone is also out of battery.

-Wait for the next bus and get back on to try and get off at the correct stop

-Find a community helper (police officer or employee at a nearby shop) and ask to borrow their phone to call mom or dad 

- Find a community helper (police officer or employee at a nearby shop) and ask for directions


Your friend sat in some gum and has it stuck on his pants. You want to tell him because he doesn't know.

Say it


You are home alone. A woman rings the doorbell. When you don’t answer, she says she can see you inside.

You: scared, confused, upset (that the woman is looking inside your house) 


 It felt wonderful to be outside, even if only for a little while! All the swings were already taken, and a group was playing softball on the diamond. Casey and I decided use the monkey bars until the teacher called us.  

A playground


What is an appropriate way to greet someone you haven't seen in a long time? 

-Wave at them and say, "It's great to see you." 

-Give them a hug (if you were friends) 

-Ask how they have been. 
