What are the 3 states of matter?
solids, liquids, gases
What do you call solids that are combined together but keep their properties?
a mixture
Which is an example of a mixture being separated?
A) cutting a paper in 2 pieces
B) pouring lemonade in 2 cups
C) Sifting sand out of a bucket that is mixed with shells
What does snow have to do to change to a liquid?
What are the tiny particles that matter is made of?
What do you call solids that are combined together and one solid dissolves in the other?
a solution
Name 1 solution we made during our experiment.
Hope you're right!
What happens to liquid water when you boil it?
the liquid becomes a gas
How can you see atoms?
With a very powerful microscope.
Is cereal and milk a mixture or a solution?
Name 1 solution we made in our experiment.
You got this!
Why is there less water in a pot after it has been boiling?
The liquid became water vapor
Melting, boiling, and freezing are examples of:
a)physical changes
b)chemical changes
c) electrical changes
physical changes
Is a tea bag in hot water creating a mixture or a solution?
a solution
Which mixture could be separated into its different parts?
A) potato chips
B) scrambled eggs
C) fruit salad
What happens to gas when it is heated?
It expands.