Musicals Quotes
The Play's the Thing
Brush Up Your Shakespeare
Actors in Songs
Dramatic places

From this musical:

"Not Well? What is illness to a Knight-errant? What matter wounds? For each time he falls, he shall rise again, and woe to the wicked!"

What is Man of La Mancha 


This seemingly insignificant but essential item strategically placed in a play that is bound to have a significant part later in the play, is known as this Russian playwrights prop   

What is Chekov's Gun?


From this play 

"Alas poor Yorick"

What is Hamlet?


Elton John Sang this Song (that sounds like an item that tops a birthday cake in a storm) about Marilyn Monroe and then he adapted it as a tribute to Princess Diana at her death. 


What is Candle in the Wind?


This Theatre was a theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare it was destroyed by fire in 1613. rebuilt in 1614. A modern reconstruction opened in 1997 

What is the Globe


From this musical 

"Please sir, I want some More." 

What is Oliver?


From this Jean-Paul Sartre play 

"Hell is other people" 

What is "No Exit"


From Twelfth Night 

"Be not afraid of Greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness..." this  

What is thrust upon them?


Shania Twain in her song "That don't... (do this)  

"OK, so you're Brad Pitt that don't....

What is "Impress me much"


George M Cohan sang "Give my Regards to... this place where many famous plays make their American debut. 

What is Broadway?


From this Musical: 

"You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you've collected nothing but a lot of empty yesterday." 

and "With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for POOL"

What is the Music Man?


The town where "Our Town" takes place. 

What is Grover's Corners?


From this ill fated character said these words in the play named for him he said: "Cowards die many times; The Valiant never taste of death but once"

Beware the ides of March  

Who is Julius Caesar


In a song by Lou Reed entitled "City Lights" mentions probably this most famous silent screen actor and director (also known as the little tramp) is mentioned by name  

Who Is Charlie Chaplin


This New York theater/Hall was build by and named for the most successful 19th century businessman who led the American Steel industry and became one of the richest men in American history. If you are invited to perform there then you know you have made it! 

What is Carnegie Hall?


"Take my hand and lead me to salvation. Take my love, for love is everlasting. And remember the truth that once was spoken: To love another person is to see the face of God"

What is 'Les Miserables' or Les Mis 


The secret life of this James Thurber character who is somewhat henpecked by his wife and imagines himself as the hero in many scenarios including the commander of Navy Hydroplane in the worst storm in 20 years and as a world famous physician where he uses a fountain pen to save the patient,  said:

"Live life by the abc's... adventure, bravery and creativity"

Who is Walter Mitty?


"What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." 

Who are Romeo and Juliet?


This group who also sang the song Africa (I test the rains down in Africa) also sang the song Rosanna ("Meet you all the way Rosanna yeah") about Rosanna Arquette 

Who is Toto?


This down under opera house is easily recognized by it's distinctive buildings and with it's ribbed roof it is considered to be a masterpiece of 20th century architecture. 

What is the Sydney Opera House?


From this musical:

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is inviable to the eye 

What is "The Little Prince"


This Arthur Miller play titled The  Death of this person said:

"I've always made a point of not wasting my life, and every time I come back here I know that all I've done is waste my life"

What is Death of a Salesman


From "As You Like It"

The Character Jaques compares one's life to this with the lines 

"All the world is..." this 

What is a Stage?


Kim Carnes sang a song about WWII pin-up girl in "Bette Davis Eyes" is probably more famous for her other hit that usually gets even more play whenever the shadow of the moon covers the sun completely. 

What is "Total Eclipse of the Heart?


The Bolshoi theater famous for producing some of the world's greatest ballet dancers is located in this city

What is Moscow, Russia
