Basics/General Policies
Clinical Staff
PSS Staff
General Workflows

Red Rule 

Need to verify 3 identifiers to make sure we have the correct patient.


Check patient's weight during the rooming process

Physicians may base the medication dosage on the weight. Weight also needs to be added to all AWVs in order to bill to Medicare. 


Verify insurance with patient every time

To ensure that we have the correct insurance information on file before we see the patient



CCCs can go in and work these documents when they are ready.

All drinks should have lids and all meals should be consumed in break room/downstairs/cafeteria. 

To prevent spills, to maintain a healthy and safe environment. 


Safe patient "handling", not safe patient "lifting" 

Clinical staff should not lift patients because we want to keep caregivers and patients as safe as possible.


Scrub appointments made by a patient on MyChart

To ensure the appointment was scheduled correctly following our scheduling guidelines, insurance information is accurate and contracted, and to follow up with the patient if any extra information is missing/needed.
3rd year residents are closed to new patients starting Jan 1st of their 3rd year. 

The 3rd year residents will be graduating so they should not be taking any new patients to ensure they receive the longest possible contuinity of care. 


Licensed medical interpreters instead of family members

To ensure accuracy of interpretation between physician and patient 


Spread the skin during intramuscular shot

Makes the tissue taut and minimizes discomfort 

Check our status on Genesys if have not received a call after 5 minutes

To ensure that we remain active on the queue to accept calls. In "not responding" status, all calls are being declined and forwarded to other team members. 

Send general refill requests to Central Refill and all controlled substance requests to PCP

Central Refill does not fill controlled substances. Unable to prescribed controlled substance in another MD's name. Lyrica is a medication that is often sent to Central Refill but it should be sent to PCP as it considered a controlled substance.


Utilize the badge swipe or the clock in/out button on Kronos

To ensure accuracy of your timecard


Do not leave a dizzy patient unattended in an exam room

Because you don't want them to fall while they are alone


Read the response history on RTE

To verify that we have the correct plan entered into Epic, to review PCP/Medical Home listed, and to verify copay if needed. 


Place Non-Providence Home Health Plan of Care/Cetifications documents in specific accordion folder

Non-Providence Home Health Plan of Care/Certifications are sent to the Coding Team, placing these in the accordion folder allows the PSSs to email these documents to that team on a monthly basis


In active shooter situation, the preferred first action is to RUN

Because you want to live and be available to help others


Ventrogluteal injections instead of dorsogluteal injections 

The risk of sciatic nerve injury when using the dorsogluteal injection site for patients has been well established. Furthermore, adipose tissue distribution of patients varies greatly in the dorsogluteal area, contributing to the risk a medication may not enter the muscle.


Verify PCP/Medical Home at time of schedule 

Some insurance will not cover visits if the PCP is listed incorrectly. This could end up in having PMG write off their visit. 


For wellness visits, patients should ALWAYS schedule with PCP

This is for continuity of care. The PCP knows the patient's chronic conditions and history best so it is best for that physician to see them for this type of exam. A wellness visit is also not urgent so they are able to wait to see their PCP. 