The word that means more than one snack
What is snacks?
The past tense of scream
What is screamed?
The word that means more fast
What is faster?
The past tense of land
What is landed?
The word that means in a loud manner
What is loudly?
The past tense of open
What is opened?
The word that means more than one glass
What is glasses?
The past tense of blast
What is blasted?
The word that means more than one desk
What is desks?
The word that means most old
What is oldest?
The word that means one who teaches
What is teacher?
The word that means one who helps
What is helper?
The word that means in a quick manner
What is quickly?
The word that means in a dead manner
What is deadly?
The word that means one who fights
What is fighter?
The word that means most tall
What is tallest?
The word that means most funny
What is funniest?
The word that means more than one bush
What is bushes?
The word that means that which pulls
What is tractor?
The word that means more than one box
What is boxes?
The word that means acting like a friend
What is friendly?
The word that means in a nice manner
What is nicely?
The word that means most smooth
What is smoothest?
The word that means most long
What is longest?
The past tense of help
What is helped?