Part 2 resumes the story ___ years later. And Omar, Fatuma and Hassan have a __________ named ________. She gives them milk to drink and sell.
2 years
For Muslims, Ramadan is a _____ month. Omar and many other muslims observe it by ______
Holy month
Fasting/ refraining from eating and drinking all month.
Why does David interview Omar?
To see if he was eligible for resettlement.
When Omar, Hassan and Fatuma left the interview, the found many people outside crying. Why is that?
They had just relived the worst days of their lives
What does Jeri convince Omar to help him sell?
What is Orange Drink?
Michael, Omar's middle school teacher says
"Throughout your life, people may shout ugly words at you. Like "go home refugee" or "you have no right to be here". When you meet these people, tell them to look at the stars and how they move across the sky. No one tells a star to go home.
Tell them, "I am a star. I deserve __________"
I deserve to exist just the same as a star.
Daadab opened in ____ as a temporary refuge for Somalis fleeing the civil war in their country. However, 10 years later, Daadab seems far from temporary as the unrest in Somalia shows no sign of slowing.
Setting: What year is chapter 10 set in?
1992+10 years = 2002
I remember my toys. I was playing under a tree with my toys. I loved those toys. My dad made them for me. I used to build houses with them.
Where else do you see this sort of play in the story?
In chapter 1. Omar and Hassan make bricks to build a house.
In the camp, it felt like all you did was ____
Omar's first impression of Susana Martinez
What is even though she is nice, she can't understand what it means to be a refugee.
When they grow up,
Omar wants to be a __________ because _____
Nimo wants to be a __________ because ______
Jeri wants to be a ________ because _______
Omar - Social Worker - they are helpful
Nimo - Lawyer - want to help women and girl refugees know their rights
Jeri - Teacher - to inspire students; make them believe they can do anything they want
I never understood the phrase "Time stood still" until this very moment. And not just time - sound, movement, my own body, everything just stopped working.
What had happened to make Omar feel this way.
He had just gotten news that his name was on the list
Omar's says "I had a hard time telling her what happened. I was so little. But she seemed to understand right away that something bad had happened."
What bad thing had happened?
The men had killed Omar's father
Omar gets suddenly gets very angry in Chapter 14. What causes his anger?
Where else do you see him get this angry for a similar reason?
He lost hope / He became hopeless / He got angry for getting his hopes up.
While waiting to start school.
Jeri gives Omar something to take along with him on his first interview. What is it?
What is a lantern?
part 1: Finish what Omar says:
" I bet some other kid in America is asleep right now in their clean, soft, comfortable bed, while I'm sleeping in the dirt.. Why do some kids have everything and I have nothing. It's __________"
How does Omar feel?
It's not fair.
He feels sad, hopeless, jealous.
What do Omar and Hassan use to brush their teeth?
Fatuma says "Please, the boy needs a break"
What 2 things does David do that show he is trying to cheer up Omar?
1. gives them a 5 minute break
2. Gives them cold juice
3. Tries to smile
Where was Nimo's family being relocated to?
Which relationship of Omar's is impacted the most when he learns he has an interview with the U.N for possible resettlement?
Who is Jeri?
How does Hassan help Omar feel better.
Without saying a word, he gives Omar a hug, and makes him smile
To help Hassan sleep, Fatuma tells a story about her visit to Mogadishu. What region is Mogadishu in? (Highlands, Coastal, Midlands etc) How can you tell?
You can see, smell and hear the ocean
What did Fatuma do to make Omar change his opinion of her
She refused to listen to the bad advice of her friends. She refused to tie Hassan up
Complete the sentence:
But the good news was, we weren't friends. We were brothers. And the thing about a brother is, ___________
You don't need words to understand each other
"You'll go. You know they say the people with the really bad stories are the ones who get resettled. You're an orphan! Your little brother has a disability! Who could have a worse story than you?" Who said it?
Who is Jeri?