How many days are there in a year?
What is: 365
Average amount of days in a season
What is: 90
Word for equal amount of daytime and nighttime
What is: equinox
horizon relates to the vertical line that seems to separate the Earth from the sky
horizon relates to the HORIZONTAL line that seems to separate the Earth from the sky
Why are there 365 days in a year?
What is: the time it takes to circle the sun X1.
Average amount fo days in a month
What is: 30
amount of weeks in a month
what is: 4
A reason why some people look forward to Friday
what is: it is the end of the traditional work week and people have 2 days off from their job/typical routine(s)
How many months are there in a year?
What is: 12
Average amount of months in a season
What is: 3
Day begins when the sun rises/comes up in the----
What is: East
The day of the week also referred to as, "Friday Eve."
Why do you think people use the term : "Friday Eve"?
What is: Thursday
Reminds people that Friday is almost here!
Weeks in a year
What is: 52
The month of Fall equinox
another word for morning/sun coming up
You have to immediately vacate the planet Earth. You are given 2 relocation choices: Mercury or Venus
Which do you choose & why?
What is Venus- longer 1 yr. orbital period (225) vs Mercury (88)
Number of seasons in a year
What is: 4
The month of Spring equinox
another word for the sun setting (not evening)
True or False
Venus has a shorter 1 year orbital period that Mars
True (225) vs Mars (687)