You use this to brush your teeth
You use this to clean your hair
You use this in your underwear during
your cycle
Feminine pad
Use this to blow your nose
What is something you do before you cook or eat food?
Wash my hands
What is this paste called?
This cloth can be used when bathing
Wash cloth
This wipe is used to stay fresh “down there”
Feminine wipe
You can use this instead of water to clean your hands
Hand sanitizer
Washing hands helps stop the spread of
Germs and diseases
You use this to gargle with
Mouth wash
You use this to clean your body when washing
How many times can you wear underwear between washes?
You can chew this to freshen your breath
Name two times that you should wash your hands.
Using the bathroom, cooking, touching dirty objects, touching animals, sneezing/coughing in your hand.
Who checks your teeth?
Washing your face helps stop ______.
Pimples or acne
This is used to control odor under your arms
You use this to keep your nails neat
Nail clipper
What common item has 10x more bacteria than a toilet seat?
Cell phone
How long should you brush your teeth?
Two minutes
What disease can you get if you don’t wash your feet and socks properly?
Athlete’s Foot
What doctor specializes in caring for the reproductive health of a woman from the time she gets her first period all the way to post-menopause?
Double Jeopardy!!!
What are the most appropriate ways to cough and sneeze to prevent spreading germs?
Into your elbow or into a tissue
What is a good song to sing that is the length of time you should wash your hands for?
Happy birthday song