Who is the main character and narrator of the story?
Miranda Sinclair
What does Miranda find that sparks the novel’s central mystery?
A strange note
How does Miranda feel when Sal stops talking to her?
Confused, hurt, and lonely
In what city does When You Reach Me take place?
New York City
What book does Miranda reread constantly?
A Wrinkle in Time
Who suddenly stops talking to Miranda?
What does the note ask Miranda to do?
Write everything down and keep it a secret
Who are Miranda’s new friends after Sal distances himself?
Annmarie and Colin
What is different about Miranda’s apartment key situation?
She carries a house key because her mother is often working
Who does Miranda meet that seems to understand time travel?
Who punches Sal for no apparent reason?
How does Miranda feel about receiving the note?
Nervous and confused, because the writer seems to know personal details about her life
What do Miranda, Annmarie, and Colin do together after school?
They work at a sandwich shop
What does Miranda’s mom dislike about her job?
She feels stuck and wants something more exciting
What does Marcus say about time?
That time travel is possible and doesn’t require a machine
Who is the mysterious homeless man on the corner near Miranda’s apartment?
The Laughing Man
What future event does the note predict?
That someone’s life will need to be saved
What does Miranda start realizing about friendships?
That friendships change and that people sometimes drift apart
Why is the time period (1970s) important to the story?
There are no cell phones or modern technology, so Miranda relies on personal interactions and written notes
How does the idea of time travel relate to the mysterious notes?
The notes seem to predict the future, suggesting time travel might be involved
What game show is Miranda’s mother preparing for?
$20,000 Pyramid
Where does Miranda find the first note?
In her apartment
What does Miranda think about Julia, Annmarie’s best friend?
She finds Julia annoying and too controlling over Annmarie
What kind of books does Miranda love to read?
Science fiction, especially A Wrinkle in Time
What does Miranda start suspecting about the Laughing Man?
That he might be connected to the notes and possibly even from the future