What gas do plants take in to make food?
Carbon dioxide
What part of the plant absorbs water?
What do plants need from the sun?
Light energy
If you put one plant in the dark and one in the light, which will grow better?
The one in light.
What do we call organisms like plants that make their own food?
What is the green pigment in leaves that helps absorb sunlight?
What part carries water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves?
What liquid do plants absorb from the soil?
What happens if a plant doesn’t get water?
It wilts and dies.
What type of organism eats plants for energy?
What two things do plants produce during photosynthesis?
Oxygen & Sugar
What do leaves do for the plant?
Make food through photosynthesis
Name two nutrients plants need to grow.
Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, etc.
What part of the plant will bend toward the light in an experiment?
The stem/leaves
How do plants help clean the air?
They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Where in the plant does photosynthesis take place?
What is the purpose of flowers in plants?
Reproduction/Make seeds
What would happen if a plant did not get any sunlight?
It wouldn’t grow properly, turn yellow, and eventually die.
What would happen if you watered a plant with saltwater instead of fresh water?
It would dehydrate and not grow properly.
How do plants and animals depend on each other in an ecosystem?
Plants provide oxygen and food for animals, while animals produce carbon dioxide, which plants use for photosynthesis.
What three things do plants need for photosynthesis?
Sunlight, Water, Carbon Dioxide
What is the function of plant veins?
Transport water and nutrients throughout the plant
What gas do plants release that animals need to breathe?
What would happen if you covered a plant’s leaves with foil?
It wouldn’t be able to do photosynthesis and would eventually die.
How does matter cycle through an ecosystem with plants?
Plants take in carbon dioxide and nutrients, produce oxygen and food, and decompose to return nutrients to the soil.