Where is kimchi from?
Kimchi is from______.
Kimchi is from Korea.
Where is Mr.Higuchi from? (都道府県)
He is from ______.
He is from Osaka.
Where is Kishida Fumio from? (国)
He is from_______.
He is from Japan.
Where is Sumo from?
Sumo is from_____.
Sumo is from Japan.
Where is Tokugawa Ieyasu from? (時代)
He is from _______ period.
He is from the Edo period.
Where is spaghetti from?
The spaghetti is from_____?
The spaghetti is from Italy.
Where is Mr.Kobayashi from? (都道府県)
He is from ______.
He is from Tottori.
Where is Joe Biden from? (国)
He is from_______.
He is from the USA. / America.
Where is Taekwondo from?
Taekwondo is from_____.
Taekwondo is from Korea.
Where is Sakamoto Ryoma from? (県)
He is from_______.
He is from Kochi.
otherwise known as Tosa (土佐) at the time.
Where is bubble tea from?
The bubble tea is from___.
The bubble tea is from Taiwan.
Where is Ms.Leah from?(国)
She is from ______.
She is from America.
Where is Shigeru Ishiba from? (市町村)
He is from_________.
He is from Yazu, Tottori.
Where is football (soccer) from?
Football is from________.
Football is from England.
the UKでもOK
Where is 源頼朝 from? (時代)
He is from ________.
He is from the Kamakura period.
Where is pad thai from?
The pad thai is from____.
The pad thai is from Thailand.
Where is Ms.Arita from? (市町村)
She is from_____.
She is from Yazu, Tottori.
Where is Daniel Radcliffe from? (国)
He is from_________.
He is from the UK.
EnglandでもOKWhere is basketball from?
Basketball is from______.
Basketball is from the USA.
Where is 西郷 隆盛 from? (県)
He is from ______.
He is from Kagoshima. (薩摩)
Where are bananas from? (国 P)
The bananas are from____.
The bananas are from the Philippines.
Where is Mr.Kawakami from?(市町村)
He is from_______.
He is from Tottori city, Tottori.
Where is Emma Watson from?(国)
She is from________.
She is from France.
Where is tennis from?
Tennis is from_____.
Tennis is from France.
Where is 清少納言 from? (時代)ヒント:枕草子
She is from _______ period.
She is from the Heian(平安) period.