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Why would a hunter respect raccoons?

They are very clever at misleading dogs; they put up a good fight — a challenge.


who help ordered billy dog?

his grandpa


How do the curiosity and stubbornness of a raccoon enable Billy to trap one?

The trap lures the curious coon with something shiny. Because the raccoon is stubborn, it won't let go of the shiny item and its paw gets stuck.


Why does Mama worry about Billy?

He is out alone at night hunting; she is afraid harm will come to him.


How does Papa's treatment of Billy change?

He begins to treat him like a man — with more respect.


 Why do Billy and his father care about whether a raccoon is caught in a sports-manlike way?

Part of the hunt is outwitting the clever raccoon; they have respect for the animal.


why does grandpa say that Billy shouldn't tell his father about the dogs? 

His father wants to buy a mule and probably could use the money Billy is saving.


. How do you know that Billy is a good hunter?

He uses his experience; is patient; knows his dogs well; is a good judge of the habits of raccoons.


 Why does Grandpa put soap in Billy's pocket?

He is “washing his mouth out with soap” when Billy's stories get too far-fetched.


Why do the hunters at the contest treat Billy like an equal?

They respect his dogs and are good sportsmen.


Why is Grandpa dumbfounded when Billy brings in his $50?

He probably didn't realize how serious Billy was or think he could save so much money.


How do the curiosity and stubbornness of a raccoon enable Billy to trap one?

The trap lures the curious coon with something shiny. Because the raccoon is stubborn, it won't let go of the shiny item and its paw gets stuck.


Why does Billy bury Old Dan on the hillside?

He would be able to hear hounds as they hunted through the countryside; it was a beautiful spot.


Why do the names carved in the tree seem perfect to Billy for his pups?

They are in the clearing where Billy found the magazine ad, the same clearing where he prayed for pups.


What is the name of the Pritchard boys' dog?

old blue


Why does Grandpa lock the store when he goes to the mill?

He doesn't trust the Pritchard boys.


Why doesn't Billy tell his parents he is going to Tahlequah?

They don't know about the dogs; he is afraid to tell them.


How is Billy's life different from that of the children in town?

He doesn't wear shoes, is schooled at home; spends his time by the river and in the mountains.


 Why doesn't Billy give up when his dogs have a raccoon up the “big tree”?

He promised the dogs they'd get a raccoon.


After Old Dan and Little Ann tree the ghost coon, why doesn't Rubin Pritchard return Billy's bet money?

 He changed the rules of the bet. He said the dogs now must tree and kill the raccoon, instead of just treeing the raccoon.


Why doesn't Billy want to kill the ghost coon?

He has too much respect for him.


 Why are Billy's dogs unusual?

They fight together, won't eat until the other one does, save one another from danger, share food, watch over Billy.


How is Billy helped to understand his dogs' deaths?

The legend of the red fern helps him.


Why is Billy so willing to give his cup to his youngest sister?

She asks for it; he loves her; it is enough for him to win the contest.


Why does Billy bury Old Dan on the hillside?

He would be able to hear hounds as they hunted through the countryside; it was a beautiful spot.
