The ______________ of the dogs kept me up all night long.
Those memories lay _______________ in my mind.
What did Billy save his money in?
a KC baking powder can
Describe the setting around Billy's farm and home.
vast, wooded, mountainous
Describe Billy's personality.
driven, determined, selfless
I helped the __________________ of the school by picking up trash off of the playground.
I will _____________ my thirst with a tall glass of ice water.
How much money did Billy save?
In which part of the state does Billy live in?
How would you describe Billy's parents?
hard-working and simple
The little boy ran by ______________ his arms in anger at his mother.
I _____________ of my options to find the best choice.
What state does Billy live in?
What type of home does Billy live in?
How would you describe Billy's grandpa?
He is very imaginative and encourages Billy's sense of adventure. He is kind.
I felt ____________ in my stomach as I walked onto the stage.
I answered my teacher in a ____________ voice as I told her the truth.
How did Billy's family get their land?
His mom got it because she has Cherokee in her blood
What major landforms to the Coleman's live by?
the Ozark Mountains and Illinois River
Compare and contrast people that live in the back country to people that live in town.
The people living in the back country live a more simple life. Most have less money than those living in towns. They grow most of their food on farms and make their own clothing. They live off of the land and seem more apt to help others out.
The people living in town dress a lot nicer, and have more belongings than those in the back country. Most are not tolerant of people that are not like them.
The boy built a _____________ shelter out of sticks and grass.
I love walking into my house and smelling the strong ____________ scent of chocolate chip cookies.
What point of view is the story told from?
How does the point of view shape the content you are being told?
It is told in first person from Billy's perspective.
We are only seeing things through Billy's eyes so we get to see his thoughts and feelings.
Compare the setting of Billy's home to the setting of Tahlequah.
Billy's home is in the isolated wilderness at the foothills of the Ozark mountains where Billy spends his days hunting, doing chores on the farm, and saving his money. The only people he interacts with are his parents, sisters, and grandpa. Tahlequah has a lot more people that dress nicer and it has a lot of tall buildings. Billy met a lot of new people that make fun of him. Both places are in Oklahoma during the Great Depression.
Give a thorough characterization of Billy.
Billy is a young boy who lives in the foothills of the Ozark mountains. He is 11 years old and really wants hounds to hunt. He is very determined. He is also kind and caring, especially towards his family. He has shaggy brown hair and wears worn out overalls and has bare feet.