Keeping this is helpful when you never met your roommate before college
An Open Mind
An RA can do this to help with conflict.
A juggling act that makes your schedule more complicated.
Holding down a job.
Joining an organization or participating in an activity.
Can help you build connections when you are away from campus.
Can help you find parking close to your classes.
Office of Parking Services
Sleeping, Studying, or just Hanging Out
Activities in closer quarters than you ever experience before
The RA can do this to help roommates establish clear ways of living together comfortably.
Sit in on roommate meetings
You’ll graduate later, but the sanity may help you in your classes.
Taking fewer credits.
Part-Time Student Association
Can bring together non-traditional students.
Can help you find a ride to various locations on campus or around town.
Shuttle Bus (SMART)
Should be the basis of your relationship with your roommate(s)
Mutual Respect
Talk to your RA if you think they can help you deal with these.
Academic Struggles
Can help you determine how to complete academic work on campus in anticipation of being away from campus
College advisors or mentors
If you have to drive to campus this can help you make connections
Commuter Student Association
Usually allows you to eat three meals a day seven days a week.
Full Meal Plan
Preferred bedtime, noise level, social activity or study schedule
Roommate differences not immediately apparent
Some of these can not be resolved no matter how hard you try.
Roommate Situations
Find one of these if you are a Veteran, Returning Student, or Part Time.
Office for Non-Traditional Students
Study Group
Not every campus connection has to be social activity
Can help you with a leaky toilet or broken light.
Housing Office
These are complicated since you are still trying to get to know each other.
Honesty is the best policy
Be honest and upfront with instructors/faculty about begin a non-traditional student.
Might have an interest similar to yours
Allows seniors to choose the dorm/roommate of their choice