To discuss and analyze data.
What is Data Dig Friday?
The taught curriculum/instructional consideration in science.
What are the 5E's?
Disciplinary literacy supports the following 2 ideas tier 1 instruction ....
What is college and career readiness?
The highest points you can earn in each TEI indicator.
What is 3/exemplary?
The connecting of unfinished learning into the context of new grade-level learning.
What is accelerated learning?
Facilitate the weekly PLC's
Who are Petty, Reed, Casiano, Knox, Holt, Bowlin?
The taught curriculum/instructional consideration in social studies.
What is hook, guided practice, independent Practice?
Reading, Writing, Thinking, Discussion
What are the 4 areas of disciplinary literacy?
The teacher performance rubric main components: design/rigorous lessons, developing & executing instruction, improvement and accountability
What are the 4 domains?
The use of a quick CFU, pre-assessment or questionnaire.
How do I know to use the accelerated TEK?
The lesson plans are due for feedback.
What is Thursday evening?
ALL In Learning used for.
What are DOLs?
The TEI domain connected to disciplinary literacy the most.
What is Domain 2?
The look for when evaluators come into your room.
What is Domain 2 & 3.
The Engage/Hook/ Quick Mini lesson part of the lesson
When would I use the accelerated TEK?
The one stop shop for lesson planning templates and resources.
What is Look4ward PLC Resources?
The new components from the district in lesson plans.
What is accelerated teks and disciplinary literacy?
Thinking with the end in mind and connecting across disciplines are a few way.
How it looks like in the classroom?
The key words seamlessly, without taking away from,consistently, all or nearly all.
What is Exemplary?
I need to address the accelerated TEK daily.
What is no?
We are planning accelerated TEKs and current, resource preparation, and completing lesson plan deliverables.
What is Wednesday PLC?
The specific actions scripted in taught curriculum.
What is student action and teacher actions?
The idea/role of providing, modeling, encouraging, asking
What are the teacher actions?
The evaluator will hold conferences to discuss what they are looking for in the classroom as far as TEI Domain 2&3.
What is YES?
The Future is Female.
What is our theme this year?