A law is passed that makes it illegal to wear a hijab.
What is the First Amendment freedom of religion?
Your house is searched without a warrant.
What is the Fourth Amendment?
At your trial, you are not allowed to leave the witness stand until you confess.
What is the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent?
You are convicted of a crime without a trial.
What is the 5th Amendment right to a fair trial?
You are denied the ability to own a gun without reason.
What is the Second Amendment?
The leader of the American Civil Liberties Union is arrested for making negative comments about the President.
What is the First Amendment freedom of speech?
You are arrested and told that you have the choice to represent yourself or pay for a lawyer.
What is the 6th Amendment right to a lawyer?
The prosecution's lawyer refuses to put any people on the jury who are the same race as you.
What is the 6th Amendment right to a jury of your peers?
Laws are passed that old people are not allowed in swimming pools.
What is the 14th amendment right to equal protection of the laws?
A soldier forces their way into your home and demands food and shelter.
What is the Third Amendment?
The Editor-In-Chief of the Philadelphia Inquirer is arrested for publishing an editorial that condemns the President's immigration policies.
Your lawyer is told that they are not allowed to call any witnesses for your trial.
What is the 6th Amendment right for the accused to call witnesses?
You are told that your lawsuit for $1000 can only have a judge.
What is the 8th Amendment right to fair fines?
You are deported from the country despite having been born to U.S. Citizens.
What is the 14th Amendment's birthright citizenship?
A city rejects a permit request for a protest march because they do not agree with the issue that is being protested.
What is the First Amendment freedom of assembly?
While in jail awaiting trial, you are forced to do free prison labor.
What is the 13th amendment freedom from slavery?
What is the Fifth Amendment right to no double jeopardy?
You are imprisoned for life for tresspassing.
What is the 9th or 10th Amendment?
Your local congressperson deletes their website, disconnects their phone, closes their offices, and provides no other way for you to contact them.
What is the First Amendment freedom to petition the government?
You are arrested and charged with treason by a police officer without him asking anyone else to approve it.
What is the Fifth Amendment right to grand jury indictments?
Your trial is delayed 3 years without reason.
What is your 6th amendment right to a speedy trial?
You are charged with destruction of a park bench and your bail is set at 10 million dollars.
What is the 8th Amendment right to fair bail?
The government demands that you give them your house for free to build a new highway.
What is the 5th Amendment right to payment for eminent domain?