Trade and Business
Silver's Impacts
Key people

This Asian kingdom's leaders (tell both kingdom and leaders)  actually welcomed any and all European traders, allowing them to set up trading posts. 

What was Mughal India? 


Spain's king got rich, but its ordinary people suffered under this situation, which involves rising prices for ordinary goods. 

What is inflation? 


This conquistador double-crossed (tricked)  the Incas' high chief. 

Who was Francisco Pizarro? 


This explorer, who would eventually make landfall in the Caribbean islands south of Florida, had a conflict with his ship's crew because he'd told them the voyage would take about a third of the time they actually spent. 

Who was Christopher Columbus? 


This empire, centered in the Andes Mountains, was headed by a relatively new chief known as Atahualpa.  

What was the Inca empire? 


This Portuguese explorer-conqueror was responsible for several 'firsts' -- he was the first European to take a ship to India for trade, and the first to trade slaves on the west African coast. 

Who is Vasco da Gama? 


Silver allowed the Tokugawa shogun to unite this kingdom. 

What is Japan? 


This explorer, sailing for Spain, attempted to circumnavigate the globe, only to die on the voyage. 

Who was Ferdinand Magellan? 


This conquistador had a conflict with his boss, because he was not supposed to be in Tenochtitlan, where he was lying to and cheating to the Aztecs. 

Who was Hernan Cortes? 


This kingdom could be bribed into trading with Europeans, but because it was such a pain, many Europeans started exploring to find a way around it. 

What was the Ottoman Empire? 


This kingdom used 'enclaves' to limit the time and space that they would have to deal with foreign traders. 

What is China? 


This kingdom (tell the name of the rulers and the place) was the first in the world to demand that all taxes be paid in silver. 

What was China under the Ming dynasty?


This Portuguese prince started a school for mapmakers and explorers. 

Who is Prince Henry the Navigator? 


The king of this kingdom complained to the king of Portugal that Portuguese slave traders would not 'play by the rules' of African slavery. 

What was Kongo? 


This west African kingdom took the approach of 'attack first and take prisoners to avoid being taken prisoner' as a strategy for handling the slave trade. 

What is  Asante? 


This type of farm, where workers grew one crop on thousands of acres,  was entirely new in the 1500s and common only in the New World. 

What was a plantation? 


Silver created great opportunities for professional pirates like this one, who worked for the queen of England and drove the Spanish king insane. 

Who was Sir Francis Drake? 


This ruler may or may not have once thought that Hernan Cortes was a god, but he certainly figured out that he was a dirty rotten scoundrel. 

Who was Moctezuma? 


An issue with a silver shortage created conflict between China's rulers and its citizens, which allowed this new dynasty to come to power. 

What was the Qing or Manchu dynasty? 


After some experiences with European traders and missionaries, leaders from this  kingdom shut out all foreign trade and forbade its own people to travel, closing it off to outsiders completely.

What is Japan? 


Getting an encomienda required you to claim land, deal with natives, and do this one other thing. 

What is pay your taxes to the king? 


This city in Bolivia, up in the Andes Mountains, had the world's richest deposit of silver. 

What is Potosi? 


This Hapsburg family member was a king who sent many conquistadors to the new world. 

Who was Charles V? 


This African leader started a war with Portugal, a war which the Africans and their Dutch allies would lose. 

Who was Queen Nzinga? 


Getting into and out of this major city involved crossing narrow bridges or causeways, and that fact created a massive watery battle on June 30, 1520. 

What was Tenochtitlan? 
